I had high expectations for this track, but I'm a bit dissapointed. I'm not really fond of the main guitar.. it feels like this track is a bit ''Dead By Sunrise-ish''. Anyone else has this too?
Not at all, one of my favourite tracks on the album. I get what you mean by the "Dead By Sunrise-ish" thing, but I'm definitely not disappointed with this track.
The track is one of my least favorite tracks of the record. I still like it, but I'm not a fan of the chorus melody neither of the way Chester sings it. I like the verses and the bridge though! But yes, the track maybe felt a little too DBS-ish and generic.
In My Remains, Burn It Down, and I'll Be Gone are just really rather bland in comparison to the rest of the album.
This is what Dead By Sunrise should have sounded like in my opinion. I just wish the strings were more prominent, but it could just as well be the rip we downloaded.
Doubt it. The way this album is mixed is amazing, but I do wish some background noises were a bit louder, such as the strings in this song.
I can see where you're coming from but "bland" isn't the word I would use. I like these songs but not as much as the others.
I'll Be Gone is a great track! The melody of the chorus is what really gets me pulled in. The whole song reminds be of Pretend To Be and What We Don't Know for some reason.
I'm still trying to understand what the big deal is with this track. Like Jeff says, I hope the strings are more prominent on the CD version.
I actually think I'll Be Gone is my least favourite track on the album. It feels VERY Dead By Sunrise to me but with the grander scale more associated with Linkin Park. Although it may have to do with the fact that I find the lyrics very difficult to hear. Also least favourite isn't really saying much as this is the first LP album that I've fully enjoyed each and every song.
I'll be gone is one of my favorite track. but yes, i admit it sounds like dead by sunrise. After all, this whole album is a mix of HT, meteora, MTM, ATS, FM and DBS !
WOW wow people. You maybe don't love this track, and find the strings hard to hear(hopefully this will change on the actual CD) But - I'll be Gone > Burn it down - ANY DAY!!!
I can make out the strings when I hear it loud on good speakers, I'm sure it'll sound better on the CD. But even without that, I still think this is a great track
1. I think the chorus to this song is really poetic. 2. I wish the strings were more prominent 3. What DBS should have been.
If I were to list the songs from best to least favorite, this song would be tied for first with 8 other tracks lol, not to say that the other songs aren't good, they all just get second place, but seriously, I'LL BE GONE is amazing! I love the chorus, its like an ATS version of What I've Done. Can't say enough how great it is. Love how he says "I'LL BE GONE"