I cant even bring myself to type out the details of this case its so fucking sick. Its truly haunting. Heres the story. http://www.metalinjection.net/forme...ing-to-rape-a-baby-this-story-gets-weird.html
Really? I was relatively unfazed when they charged him but now that he's plead guilty the story has just hung over me. It's fucking haunting. Reading the description of the videotape they made literally made me physically ill.
I remember reading a little bit about what he did when he was first arrested, but not in detail like this. Holy fucking shit. That was a grueling read. He sounds like a complete psychopath.
Horrible story. I hope he gets his fair share of lock up for this. Not to mention the HORRIBLE so called "mother" of the child, I hope the kid is in good hands now.
What the fuck? There are some messed up people in the world. I remember this guy publicly calling Chester a douche in interviews too.
Yep, we established that Ian Watkins is a sick fuck about a year ago. And I'm still not throwing away my copy of Start Something.
Usually I'd say let the victim's family do what they want to him, but all the families were in on it as well. Hopefully these kids turn out ok, but unfortunately our brains don't usually work that way. They're probably all messed for life. You know it's bad when the lightest part of the article is having sex with a 16-year-old and pissing on her face.
I'm completely horrified and disgusted by reading this. I have no words for such vile and atrocious behavior... EDIT: Rou Reynolds from Enter Shikari posted some good and interesting thoughts regarding the issue on his official Tumblr: http://roureynoldsofficial.tumblr.com/post/68175529978/death-heads-in-sand
One thing that really amazes me is how he managed to hide it all from his bandmates.. The guys seriously didn't have a clue what was going on and were the first people to be shocked by the news last year. This was stuff that happened while on tour. I also wonder if the guys were aware of his use of crystal meth or just didn't know anything at all. And on top of that, most of the guys are actually parents right now, Mike Lewis has two kids, Stuart has one if I'm not mistaken and Lee Gaze as well, they must think about how at some point their children probably called Ian "uncle". This must be a really difficult situation for the rest of the band.
Shit.. The video for A Town Called Hypocisy seems so creepy now. This guy is one sick son of a bitch: https://twitter.com/rupertevelyn/status/405346964075974656
I can't imagine the outrage going on in that video right now. The whole concept was probably his own idea, it just fits now.