this may sound goofy, and i bet im going to get flamed badly, but here goes... has the band ever been to it would be awesome.. im not sure....i bet there is a post here already, but im too blind and lazy to look for it.. well, (sigh) here comes the flames... ' '
Questions like these aren't stupid, it's only ones that have clear and obvious answers that are like "come on now!". As far as we know, Dave (Phoenix) was logged onto our message boards one time as an anounymous member. While staying at an LPU chat, Jessica informed us that Dave had LPA up for a short while and gave it his thumbs up. Even more amazing is what happened when Omar was at an LPU meet and greet. The band acted normally and such while signing his CD, then the minute Omar said he was from LPA, Phoenix pointed at Omar and said something making Mike's eyes light up wide and the band start talking amongst themselves. Mike (or Brad, although I'm sure it was Mike) immediately grabbed the CD and wrote "LPASSOCIATION \m/!" right on it. So yes, I believe the band is very aware of LPA .
It's great to know that Linkin Park explores the Internet for all of their supporters, rather than those who just post on the LPU forum or the Official Linkin Park Message Board. Good job LPA!
I'm certain they do. After all it's on their official message boards and every fansite out there. [/b][/quote] "Meteora is a pile of George Bush's shit" is my sig on the LP official forums.I'm sure they might have got the message
Linkin Park is probably aware of a lot of LP fansites. I'm glad they know of this one. They are very devoted to their fans. As of Meteora...they were always aware that there would be negative comments. They knew it from the start. There was nothing they could do about it. But the fact that some people bash it up so badly, they might have taken some slight offense. But, all in all, LP is a great band. And their next album will hopefully be better than Meteora.
when did that happened? [/b][/quote] A long time ago, like last year or so. And I like Meteora a little too, it's just hardly my favorite album right now.
I'm the only one on staff who thinks Meteora is a worthy follow-up to Hybrid Theory. The lyrics may not be as creative, but are still insightful nonetheless. Not to mention, the sound is MUCH more precise.
Hybrid Theory was raw, the lyrics were great as well. Reanimation was stretching into new horizons. Meteora, the lyrics weren't great, but the sound was spot on.
Meteora was not a piece of shit goddamnit. Hybrid Theory was simply better. [/b][/quote] Ah... finally an opinion I absolutely agree with. Meteora was a great album, it's just that Hybrid Theory was better. *tips hat to Neil*