This is a follow up of the thread Akuma started I love.., here is your chance to tell us what you hate.
School, Boredom, Teenie Boppers, Stupid People, Fake People, Pop Music, Skateboarders who are a**holes, and most importantly... YOU j/k I'm sure theres other things I hate, I just cant think of them
Those f#@!ing gay bands like N'SYNC and Backstreet Boys. It's even more anoying when they decide that they each member has to cut a single album.
i hate school.. i hate myself.. i hate germany..(dont know why but i hate that) i hate cricket.. i hate.. commercials.. Jlo. i hate everyone who has critics(good english..?) on LP aaaand i hate slipknot.. they cant sing.. hate someone at school.. he took my girlfriend..gonna shoot him.. juzt kidding hate spiders.. hate those stupid insects.. dont know if they are insects.. actually i even dont want to know.. cuz i hate SPIDERS! and i saw just on tv LP - sib and the commercial.. lets go on with the I hate.. I hate Idols.. hate Ricky Lake..Oprah.. Playstation..rain.. i think thats all i wanted to say.. [ To Be Continued ]
Getting up on a Monday morning... Getting up on a weekend... My pyjama top in a morning... The taste you get in your mouth after brushing your teeth and you eat something... Drinking after brushing your teeth... Waking up after a party... (hangovers...know what I mean?) Teenies... <_< My brother... AOL My computer... Coursework... ...I'll think of some other things later... Oh yeah... POP-UPS they REALLY annoy me...
*cracks knuckles* I hate: Teenies, those damn anime smileys, getting up early, living in nova scotia canada and hearing about all my friends going to see Linkin Park, people who pretend to be my friend, racists, homophobics, my father, death, drunks and druggies, that darn 'cannot find server' page and myself.