Alexandra Torrensvilas was the target of cops who pinned a DUI on her for an accident they caused. Now she has been cleared of charges after the Broward State Attorney's Office officially dropped the four DUI citations on Wednesday. bleh.
What a joke. We trust these people with our safety, and they pull shit like this. Unfuckingbelievable.
We know things like this happen. It is horrible but there are still good officers out there. It's sad that officers like this ruin the reputation that honest, hard working cops have worked for.
I used to live next to a cop for about 5 years or so and I have to say that this type of stuff doesn't surprise me. Cops do break the law and can get away with almost anything. I've seen plenty of things in my lifetime by living next to a cop that is almost unfathomable. I have no respect for cops whatsoever and this video furthers my opinion of them, including the "good ones".
If you can find one, let me know. At best, the "good" ones are still total douchebags with massive superiority complexes. This coming from someone whose uncle was a cop. Cops fabricating bullshit stories just so they can get an arrest and feel like big shots for the day cost my dad his job.
Having been family friends with a cop when I was younger, I can tell you that there are such a thing as "good cops" who are not only trustworthy, honest, hardworking people...but also worthy of the title 'hero'. A cop by the name of Scott Wertz was gunned down a few years ago by some reckless criminal, and having known him myself I can tell you that he was a very good man and never did anything to deserve/earn the fate that fell upon him. Sadly there is a lot of bad ones out there, but for the good ones like gives me hope.
You wonder why most good cops have an attitude problem? Just look at this thread. Officers risk their lives EVERYDAY for such an ungrateful group of people (such as some people who post here), only to have their efforts undermined by bad eggs. Not every cop is a complete asshole like you are all assuming, just like not all people in general are assholes. You have no respect for officers who serve and protect your community on a daily basis? No respect for those who have been killed doing so and have left behind families and young children? That sounds unbelievable to me.
Ok...maybe I shouldn't have said no respect. I respect that aspect of their jobs. It's just hard for me to stick up for cops when I have lived next to one for years and saw a lot of shit going down that was completely inappropriate. Hypocritical, even. It got so bad that my family and I had to move. It makes me question the so-called law abiding officers that they are supposed to be. I hardly ever see it. I realize I am generalizing and lumping a bad experience with all cops, but I have yet to meet a good cop. I'm sure there are plenty out there and I can only hope more of them overshadow the bad ones.
I can understand why you would think this way but the reality is, cops are a reflection on people as a whole. Unfortunately, humans are very far from perfect. My grandfather was a police officer. However, I never met him because he left my grandmother to raise 4 boys on her own and never helped or even tried to talk to any of them. I can only assume that if he was a bad enough person to do that, that he was a bad police officer too. Despite this, I have decided to become a police officer myself. I have my predicaments but I am a generally good person and believe I would make an excellent cop. It becomes personal for me when I see people lumping police officers together as "bad" because I don't consider myself a bad person. I have a good heart.
ANARCHY FUCKERS. lol, okay so i have nothing to add to this thread, but... Did you REALLY have to say that?
It doesn't mean we are "ungrateful" though. It just means some of us have a difference of opinion than you do.
Why doesn't it mean that? How can you can be grateful without having respect? I feel like the two go hand and hand.
Good Lord. I corrected one of my posts above and told you I respect the jobs they do. I'm done with this topic. You obviously feel too strongly about this subject and no matter what I, or anyone else, says isn't going to appease you. Sheesh.
I don't care about whose opinion is "right" or about being appeased. I just want people to realize the sacrifices that police officers have to make and the danger and stresses they subject themselves to, in order to protect us. It's just too easy to jump on the hating police bandwagon.