Another creatation from Versamilatude. and you be damned that is good.. Rate now or forever hold your eternal PEACE Also my mudvayne one... Are you feeling happy now. I doubt it since you guys cannot comprehend my ability and are inferous to my abilitys
First off, the first one sucks. It's just some shitty type over a black background. As for the second, I'd be kinda impressed if you did the drawing yourself, if not, it's just a case of cutting and placing. Not that great, buddy. And second, don't get cocky & act like you're better than everybody else, it'll get you nowhere. Also, judging from these pieces you've got nothing to brag about anyway.
Ok first off one the first one theres adnpicture faded into the background of the icp clown and with tsome burshes in the abckground mixen in the purple. And thats not cutting and pasting you have to faded and make the brushes look good and then add the picture and id like to see some of your artwork.
Right, okay. I don't need you to run down the list of tools and effects you have to use to make a graphic like this. I get it. You posted your work to get rated, I rated it, now don't take offense if it wasn't the rating you were looking for. You're posting your work to get criticized, if you can't take the criticism don't post it. Simple as. Also, I don't care how good your work is, you don't post like you're better than everyone else.
No that was noot rating i was excpecting. It seem jsut like criticsem not construtive to show how to improve
The first one, you used the cloud filter in photoshop. Then you took a picture of the clown which to my best guess has a black background. You can see the line of the image. The second, you used the ol' ripple effect. I'm saying chances are you found a tutorial to help with this. I'm also willing to bet you cropped the head, as I can see there are all sorts of patches of pixels around that you must have missed. On another note, Raj is right. There's no real need to brag, I'm not saying that you suck, I'm just saying it is not necessary. You want hints, yes, use tutorials to get your kick start, then eventually experament with the program yourself and learn how to do a better fade, please?
I'm not trying to be cocky thats the way i speak and act , kinda natural. Atleats you were nice aaron
I'm sorry if I came across mean, I just can't be doing with people who think they are better and put themselves above everyone else. If that wasn't your intention then I'm sorry for coming across like a twat and I don't see no reason why we can't get along.
It's "inferior" by the way, not inferous. Maybe instead of trying to be better than everyone at graphics (which you failed at, btw) you should try for grammar and manners. Touche, uncle_raj. I mean yeah, they're alright...just nothing to be cocky about.
I wasnt trying to be better at anyone and if u read my post above i say i like typing and act liking like that plus me and Unle are on good ground now. Plus i'd like to see some of your work before you start dissing mine.