Papercut: 13 One Step Closer: 9 With You: 13 Points of Authority: 12 Crawling: 8 Runaway: 6 By Myself: 9 In The End: 13 A Place For My Head: 12 (+) Forgotten: 10 Cure For The Itch: 7 (-) Pushing Me Away: 11 My December: 10 High Voltage: 7
High Voltage's remix was cut from HT a few weeks before release, and My Decemer *shrugs*. First time I've seen someone not like OSC. I dunno, how well the lyrics go w/ the sound?
Papercut: 13 One Step Closer: 9 With You: 13 Points of Authority: 12 Crawling: 8 Runaway: 6 By Myself: 10 (+) In The End: 13 A Place For My Head: 12 Forgotten: 10 Cure For The Itch: 6 (-) Pushing Me Away: 11 My December: 10 High Voltage: 7
Papercut: 13 One Step Closer: 9 With You: 13 Points of Authority: 13 (+) Crawling: 8 Runaway: 5 (-) By Myself: 10 In The End: 13 A Place For My Head: 12 Forgotten: 10 Cure For The Itch: 6 Pushing Me Away: 11 My December: 10 High Voltage: 7
I like it a whole lot. And most of the people I've talk to who like rock music said they've heard OSC at least once and liked it, even if they're not an LP fan. oO; Ha, I thought I was the only one who liked By Myself. Is it me or does it seem like Runaway's gonna be elminated first?
Papercut: 13 One Step Closer: 9 With You: 13 Points of Authority: 13 Crawling: 8 Runaway: 5 By Myself: 10 In The End: 13 A Place For My Head: 12 Forgotten: 11 (+) Cure For The Itch: 6 Pushing Me Away: 11 My December: 9 (-) High Voltage: 7 I like other slow LP songs but My December just makes me fall asleep for some reason. Although the live version is ok.
Papercut: 13 One Step Closer: 9 With You: 13 Points of Authority: 13 Crawling: 8 Runaway: 5 By Myself: 10 In The End: 13 A Place For My Head: 11 (-) Forgotten: 11 Cure For The Itch: 6 Pushing Me Away: 12 (+) My December: 9 High Voltage: 7 Pushing Me Away needs more love. Oh and Shrazer I've heard OSC put down many times on this forum. It's noted as "that safe heavy song they released as a single to get the angsty teens blood pumping"
Papercut: 13 One Step Closer: 9 With You: 13 Points of Authority: 13 Crawling: 9 (+) Runaway: 5 By Myself: 10 In The End: 13 A Place For My Head: 10 (-) Forgotten: 11 Cure For The Itch: 6 Pushing Me Away: 12 My December: 9 High Voltage: 7
Papercut: 13 One Step Closer: 9 With You: 13 Points of Authority: 13 Crawling: 10 (+) Runaway: 5 By Myself: 10 In The End: 13 A Place For My Head: 10 Forgotten: 11 Cure For The Itch: 6 Pushing Me Away: 12 My December: 9 High Voltage: 6 (-)
Papercut: 13 One Step Closer: 9 With You: 13 Points of Authority: 13 Crawling: 9 (-) Runaway: 5 By Myself: 10 In The End: 13 A Place For My Head: 10 Forgotten: 11 Cure For The Itch: 7 (+) Pushing Me Away: 12 My December: 9 High Voltage: 6 I love like all the songs on here n i just added to CFTI cause its so awesome and well done live also - it needed more love and crawling... its a good song but not on my most played LP
Papercut: 13 One Step Closer: 9 With You: 13 Points of Authority: 13 Crawling: 9 Runaway: 5 By Myself: 10 In The End: 13 A Place For My Head: 10 Forgotten: 11 Cure For The Itch: 6 (-) Pushing Me Away: 13 (+) My December: 9 High Voltage: 6
Papercut:12 One Step Closer:11 With You:12 Points of Authority:10 Crawling:9 Runaway:10 By Myself:9 In The End:13 A place for my head:8 Fortgotten:9 Cure For the Itch:7(-) Pushing me Away:12 My December:10 High Voltage:11(+)
Papercut: 13 One Step Closer: 9 With You: 13 Points of Authority: 13 Crawling: 9 Runaway: 5 By Myself: 10 In The End: 13 A Place For My Head: 10 Forgotten: 11 Cure For The Itch: 5 (-) Pushing Me Away: 14 (+) My December: 9 High Voltage: 6
Papercut: 13 One Step Closer: 9 With You: 12 (-) Points of Authority: 13 Crawling: 9 Runaway: 5 By Myself: 10 In The End: 13 A Place For My Head: 10 Forgotten: 11 Cure For The Itch: 6 (+) Pushing Me Away: 14 My December: 9 High Voltage: 6
Papercut: 13 One Step Closer: 9 With You: 12 Points of Authority: 13 Crawling: 9 Runaway: 4 (-) By Myself: 10 In The End: 13 A Place For My Head: 10 Forgotten: 11 Cure For The Itch: 6 Pushing Me Away: 15 (+) My December: 9 High Voltage: 6
Papercut: 10 One Step Closer: 10 With You: 10 Points of Authority: 10 Crawling: 11(+) Runaway: 10 By Myself: 10(-) In The End: 10 A Place For My Head: 10 Forgotten: 9 Cure For The Itch: 9 Pushing Me Away: 10 My December: 10 High Voltage: 9
Papercut: 10 One Step Closer: 10 With You: 10 Points of Authority: 10 Crawling: 11 Runaway: 10 By Myself: 10 In The End: 11 (+) A Place For My Head: 10 Forgotten: 8 (-) Cure For The Itch: 9 Pushing Me Away: 10 My December: 10 High Voltage: 9