This is like when people in the 1960's thought we would all be like the Jetsons right now. I'm generally optimistic about tech, but this is a little fast and oversimplified. Our technology now can simulate a cat brain. Simulating a human brain (the cat brain people are trying to do this by 2018 or something) would require it's own power plant because it consumes an ungodly amount of electricity. There's a lot of problems for the tech to yet solve, and the world isn't finding any better energy resources. As for immortality. No. Nothing is immortal. You THINK you've gotten rid of all your problems by getting a robot body. You THINK you can't die from disease, and then you've realized you've caught the other kind of virus. The bodies will be susceptible to the ongoing arms race between white hat and black hat hackers. This might create the first case of real life zombie armies, as soon as someone has the ability to modify the will of people. Not to mention money, and again, energy. Do you have the funds to continually repair yourself, assuming you are not killed? How would the world sustain a population of robots when we are already in danger of destroying our planet? And if the planet runs out of resources, how long could you sustain yourself? At BEST, this is a life lenghtening tool. By no stretch of the imagination is this immortality. Our competitive nature will make sure of that.
Considering the amount of stupid in the world, immortality is a bad idea. Imagine immortal Linkin Park fans.
For me this misses the whole purpose of life. And it will perpetuate even people who shouldn't have been born, on the planet. And if that happens while I'm alive, I'll make sure to be one of the people who will sabotage the project. And I'm serious.
Stupid people are happier than smart people. Example: Meteora fans and you. What do you do? You're just wasting your time bashing Meteora or "trolling" (whatever), and they're having a time of their lives, enjoying the shit out of that album. Anyway, let me get back to subject of the thread. First, I don't think this will ever happen (or not as soon as 2045)... It's more possible that we will destroy us by 2045. Second, even if that will happen, I personally wouldn't want to live forever. Death is a part of life. Without death, life would have no meaning.
wrong, Turritopsis nutricula is a type of Jelly fish that can live forever by using a process called transdifferentiation which reverts the sexually mature jellyfish back into its sexually immature state, so in other words, its life cycle is birth>immature>mature>immature>mature>immature......and so on, no death unless something kills it
durrrrrrrr. That's exactly what I'm talking about. Did you read my post? Also, jellyfish are neither people or robots so I don't see what this has to do with anything. Jellyfish don't really have minds, and thus can afford to be in a low power state continuously.
Very complex theme. Theazninvasion68 made good points. But I don't really get Avatar C & D if B is possible...
You act like I'm not enjoying getting these reactions from people. And who's to say I'm not out enjoying my life?
I would only be interested in this if I get to keep my body 21-25 years old. TBH I don't think I want to live forever.
Yeah, I don't think I want to stick around when the inevitable food, water, and energy shortages occur. Could you imagine living for centuries, anyway? You would be a crotchety, jaded asshole in no time.
Not to mention that as your lifespan reaches infinity, the odds that you'll get stuck/trapped in a place with no escape increases to 100%. Imagine the movie 127 Hours, except your body regenerates faster than you can cut your arm off with a dull knife.