While you're at it, get me one too B)[/b][/quote] Sure which one do u want? I'm getting the invisible S500 lol
Sure which one do u want? I'm getting the invisible S500 lol[/b][/quote] Sweet! Although I opted for the Z series
18 im gonna take mah 3rd year of spanish once i go back to school... hehe i was about to say that u were 28 but mah spanish isnt that bad [/b][/quote] que bien 28?
i wonder who the oldest is....... so far it looks like the LPA is run by TEENAGERS....... thats AWESOME! ¤KiTo½¤
yes 16.5 you thought i was older in a good way or bad way?![/b][/quote] i didnt think you were older. Carlinha did