i thought mods need to be older so they have more of an idea of whats good and whats bad if u know what i mean. more mature and more understanding. But i'm in no position to say u can't be a mod. The forums i usually post on the mods have to be over 18
I think responsibility also plays a key role in who becomes a mod and who doesn't. The mods that Alex and Omar have chosen are very responsible.
u seem responsible to me. So why not? I just realised i'm 16 and the admin of a site lol and im' complaining about you being a mod of message boards lol *shakes head*
i told u NO!!![/b][/quote] muhahahahaha! *ponders about what he can get amy* *runs around in circles so amy can't hurt him not that she would in da first place*
muhahahahaha! *ponders about what he can get amy* *runs around in circles so amy can't hurt him not that she would in da first place*[/b][/quote] why do u have to get me one?
why do u have to get me one?[/b][/quote] cos thats what bf's usually do *hands Akuma-sama popcorn and a newspaper* this could get rather boring
cos thats what bf's usually do *hands Akuma-sama popcorn and a newspaper* this could get rather boring [/b][/quote] not if the gf doesnt want one
and then what will you do when this present falls into ur hands? who will you give it to? not me! i wont take it!