How much damage (if any) did this album do?

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Chris loves LP, Jun 10, 2017.

  1. #21
    Nobody Can Shave Me Now

    Nobody Can Shave Me Now Formerly known as Ron Jeremy LPA VIP

    May 30, 2009
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    Ive ALWAYS gotten this. This is the first album by them that my family actually knows the words. They usually cant stand them. Also, a lot of my friends that really couldn't get into them love this album. So I guess geographically, it's different. Werd
  2. #22
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    the album did no damage outside the band's fan base. I can't imagine people feeling anymore negativity towards the band with this album if they already disliked them. Most of the negative responses are from fans that want the old sound, whether it's from the nu metal or ATS era
  3. #23

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    But isn't that ultimately what we are talking about? People who dislike Linkin Park aren't all of a sudden going to start looking for Linkin Park music like that. The cure fans and even the casual fans are the ones who will be looking at this album and a lot of those fans have a distaste to it which could lower the fan base for the moment.
  4. #24

    TobinOverflowsBest MY NAME IS MATT LPA VIP

    Jan 26, 2014
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    And a lot of those fans also like it :)
    Halfway Dwight likes this.
  5. #25

    Doridorica Well-Known Member

    Apr 18, 2017
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    I don't think it did too much, haters are gonna hate and make jokes about the band like they've been since the beginning. They're also going to make angry comments on band's fb page because that's popular now. On the other hand, the band made an album they like, probably made some new fans and those who cry about HT and Meteora are better off. Their fanbase is still huge.
    minuteforce likes this.
  6. #26

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    I don't like the album, but I also haven't liked any Linkin Park releases after Minutes To Midnight, so don't go by my opinion.

    The band got a number one album and also a successful single with Heavy. I would say they did good. The only people that may be lost with this new album are the nu-metal die-hards that somehow didn't die off after Meteora. Other than that, most casual fans know that Linkin Park changes up their style with each album, as well do the hardcore fans. So I would say that the album didn't do much damage.
  7. #27

    BTorio Well-Known Member

    Jun 2, 2014
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    I've heard Heavy in a couple of public places, and its play count is pretty crazy on Spotify. There are certainly a lot of pop fans that are enjoying it, whether or not they're discovering the rest of LP's discography in the process. If they are great, if not, oh well.

    I feel like the people who comment on every loudwire article about how bad OML is will still listen to future new LP, as they did THP when it dropped. They'll either be pleasantly surprised as many were with THP, or overreact about how bad LP is now and still probably give new tracks a chance next album cycle. I feel like few people truly will refuse to listen to a new song and make the effort to skip it on new music playlists, change the radio station, etc.

    Now ticket sales might be another story. I can imagine OML being the tipping point for some people. In 2012 it might have been "not a fan of the new stuff but I'll go for the classics", where as now there might be a lot of people who imagine that the show has become nothing but new LP (which they might imagine is just a bunch of burn it downs and Heavy's) and not go. They might hurt in that aspect, but I feel like it's not gonna reflect in any way on their production/promotion/social media presence etc. any more than time is.
  8. #28

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I think it will hurt ticket sales. I'll be going in October to see them for the second time and I'm 95% sure this will be the last time I see them. They could be doing so much more with their setlists then they are currently doing. And to be fair, the reason I'm going this time around is because my friend has never seen them and really wants to see them.
  9. #29

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    I've seen many live recordings of this show and I'm yet to see any booing. It was probably a handful number of people.
  10. #30

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    That's how I was. I saw the band in 2007 and 2008 and once A Thousand Suns came out and I didn't enjoy the album, I figured I probably was done with Linkin Park concerts, and I haven't been to one since, since I haven't liked any of the other newer albums, either. I don't think the band is that great live either, especially nowadays. They were decent from like 2001-2008 live. Once I saw bands like Muse and Metallica and others live, I would much rather pay money to see those bands when they come around as opposed to Linkin Park. And I know a lot of fans go to the concerts for the old classics but I just can't bring myself to shell out money every time they come around, especially since I have already seen them several times and like I said, I don't like anything that came after Minutes. However, I think the band should represent EACH album at the shows. Do like 3 or 4 songs from each album. The Hunting Party fans are really getting screwed over on this tour. Playing 8 out of 10 songs from the new album is crazy to me since the band has had 7 highly successful albums at this point and they have fans from each album. Just because a fan of One More Light might seem cooler to the band nowadays than a Meteora fan or a Hunting Party fan doesn't make that person less of a fan, they deserve to hear their album live as well, at least 3 of 4 songs from each album should be played. I will defend the band to have artistic freedom with whatever they want to do with their albums, but in terms of a live show, the fan should be top priority, not what the band wants solely.
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  11. #31
    Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    It's the One More Light Tour, though. They're doing it specifically to promote the new album. Of course that's going to make up the bulk of the setlist.
  12. #32
    The Free Element

    The Free Element Well-Known Member

    Apr 9, 2014
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    The band didn't get hurt in any way. For every fan they might lost there always will be new ones, for every album cycle. Teenagers from mid-2000' grown up with Linkin Park and so teenagers from mid-2010's will. And honestly, as a (studying) artist myself, their best job is ATS, no doubt. The vibes, the visuals, the whole style of that cycle is just so mature and fascinating. It got hated a lot. Living Things, The Hunting Party and One More Light still did a lot of sales.
    Halfway Dwight likes this.
  13. #33

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    Yeah but fuck that, though. They only played like half of The Hunting Party and out out of the half, they were split up at different times in the album cycle, A Line In The Sand didn't even debut until like late 2015 after a good majority of the touring for the album was done. Living Things was also like that, only about half of the album performed, and Castle Of Glass didn't even debut until 2013, after the European Tour, U.S. Tour, South American Tour and South African Tour were done. A Thousand Suns was mostly played at all of the shows, but it was a little split up as well, and the set for that cycle still had a lot of the heavier old songs such as Given Up, No More Sorrow and a lot of Hybrid Theory and Meteora. Minutes To Midnight, Meteora and Hybrid Theory they played all of but that's because they didn't have much music during those eras so why not.

    If One More Light has 10 songs, about 5 should be played in every set, and the rest of the set should consist of older songs, and especially some of the heavier ones that fans love. They got rid of a lot of heavier songs from the set such as Given Up, Lying From You, With You, Runaway, From The Inside, etc. and replaced them with a lot of slower songs and 8 One More Light songs. They just want to give this album special treatment, but they should be giving ALL of their main 7 albums attention at every show, there are fans of each album. Each album has someone who thinks it's the best album.
  14. #34

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    The last two touring cycles were so "Hybrid Theory"- and "Meteora"-centric that music from the albums that they were actually supposed to promote more or less fell by the wayside. No-one was complaining then.

    Personally, outside of the OML songs (the more, the better), I really don't care which songs get played, but I do agree that some heavier songs could be used to fill in the blanks and add some variety.
  15. #35

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    I agree 100% with this. As I said in the other thread each album needs to be represented more. Anyone who played 70% of their new album in one show needs to be knocked off their high horse. It's ridiculous. It;'s a different story if you only have 2 or 3 albums but when you have 7 albums you need to realize as a band that are at the point in your career where you can't load up on one album, 3-4 songs from each album is the best way to go.
  16. #36
    Modern Guitar God

    Modern Guitar God Nets 2021 LPA Super VIP

    Jun 7, 2014
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    The few concerts I attended, the artists performed almost all of their new album. It's normal since the tour is done to promote the album, if we're going to be frank. Of course, it's to give fans a chance to experience their music and see the artist in the flesh. But I expect the artist to play the album, regardless of whether or not I like it and how long I've been a fan.
    Halfway Dwight likes this.
  17. #37

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    Let's take The Carnivores tour for example.

    The show I saw play songs from:
    HT- 6
    Meteora- 2 [Total old School LP- 8. Basically 4 and 4 for argumentative purposes.]
    Minutes to Midnight- 3 (Plus LOATR and SOTD in Ballad Medley)
    A Thousand Suns- 4 (Plus Iridescent in Ballad Medley)
    Living Things- 3
    The Hunting Party- 5
    Others- 2

    That's basically 3-4 songs per album aside from their new album which has 5. As I said in the other thread I believe that 5 should be the max from new albums. Last US tour they did the setlist PERFECTLY in terms of allocation of albums.

    The many concerts I have attended of artists that have lots of albums this has only happened with Taylor Swift and Bring Me The Horizon (They literally can't play old songs live anyway). Everyone else has only played 3-5 songs from the album they are touring for.
    minuteforce likes this.
  18. #38

    Virgocore Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2017
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    To be frank, I'd want to see a set consisting of only Hybrid Theory, Meteora and Minutes To Midnight songs. But that's why I haven't gone to a show since 2008, because I don't like any of the band's music that came after Minutes To Midnight. So I'm not going to voice my opinion on that, since the people attending the shows should be the ones discussing it. People love One More Light, and that's good, the band needs fans to survive. However, I don't think the entire album virtually should be being played at every show. At least rotate stuff in and out. I'm sure Halfway Right and Sorry For Now will be played eventually, too, so the whole album will likely be performed. I can see them easily dropping songs like Leave Out All The Rest, Wastelands or Points Of Authority/Somewhere I Belong for those, sadly. Yes, it's the One More Light Tour, but Linkin Park are a massive band that have SEVEN main albums and have been around since 2000 (when Hybrid Theory dropped I'm going by). Fans have come and gone through each and every album. And sometimes old fans go to the shows for many reasons. I think those people should be able to hear at least 3 songs from their favorite album. That's why I say they should represent each and every main album, not one more than another. It should be a mix of all. Another A Thousand Suns song needs to be added. 2 more Hunting Party songs need to be added. 1 more Living Things song could be added. Given Up should be brought back, as well as Lying From You. There's a lot of stuff that I would personally cut out of the set like I said, but I know fans love each album, so it's important to include it all, I feel like.
    RiderSSPU likes this.
  19. #39

    Narc85 Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2010
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    Damage? Lolwut?

    There’s talk about an “LPA bubble”, but I also think one must remove themselves from the Facebook/metal review website “bubbles” too. As someone mentioned earlier in the thread, haters tend to be the vocal minority. Think about it. How many times have you had a good experience with something and then gone out of your way to provide a compliment to that service or product? Now think about the amount time times you've had an issue with something and made a complaint. People are far more likely to complain about something than to compliment something. It's fact. Research exists to prove this.

    Linkin Park have always been plagued by "Hybrid Theory haters" on social media. It just so happened they released one of their "poppiest" songs to date which gave the HTHs fuel for their fire. As pathetic/sad as it is, a female vocalist just exacerbated the issue.

    Now let's look at what the album has done for them. For one, it opened at number one in the states and other countries around the world. And in those countries it didn't open at number one - it had a very high debut (top 5 in most cases).

    In my country (Australia), Heavy is the first Linkin Park song I've heard on the radio since New Divide in 2009... 2009! And for me to hear it on the radio multiple times when I don't even willingly listen to radio - that's something.

    One More Light (and the songs from it) catapulted the band from the 130(ish) mark on top Spotify artists up to the high 70s. I think I saw them peak at 72? Here's a look at some of the other high profile alternative/rock/metal artists:
    Linkin Park - 84th (currently)
    Metallica - 188th
    Green Day - 138th
    Foo Fighters - 183rd
    Stone Sour - not ranked
    A Day To Remember - not ranked
    System Of A Down - 321st
    Thirty Seconds To Mars - not ranked
    Limp Bizkit - 455th
    Korn - not ranked
    Incubus - 477th
    Nickelback - 337th

    Hate to disappoint the Debbie Downers, but Linkin Park and One More Light are doing just fine.
  20. #40

    RiderSSPU Leave a Trace LPA Super Member

    Mar 25, 2012
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    As I said earlier, the vocal minority has been around since Meteora. (I remember people liking Hybrid Theory but hating Meteora even.)

    But this time I don't the haters are minority this time around. At worst its 50-50. Everywhere I go it's love or hate. A lot have people have hated Linkin Park since MTM but when it comes to this album more people hate it than like it I feel. And I'm not surprised. As someone who likes the album himself, it's still my second least favorite Linkin Park album so I'm not surprised a lot of people don't like it.

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