How far north, south, east and west have you traveled throughout the world? Me: North - New York South - Florida East - beaches along the east coast West - Gettysburg, PA (maybe, I think) I have never left the east coast in the U.S. and have never left the U.S. itself. I would love to see other places in the world but the fear of flying always keeps me back. I would have to be drugged, lol.
West would be technically the same as my North, and that would be Tillamook Bay, Oregon. South would be San Luis Obispo, California East - Memphis, Tennessee
I've been to Vancouver, Canada, Everett, Washington state. And Canton, China. Or aka Guangzhou, the main Capital City of the province Guangdong . China is awesome. Then again, my bias is because I'm Chinese
North: Leeuwarden (North of the Netherlands). South: Naples (Italy) and Barcelone (Spain). East: Stuttgart (Germany). West: Bristol (England). I'd love to visit the US, New Zealand and China. Nice thread idea Andrea btw
From England; The furthest West I've been is Florida. The furthest East I've been is Kenya. The furthest North I've been is Edinburgh, Scotland, thinking about it, it could be Amsterdam but I'm not sure. The furthest South I've been is Kenya.
North: Amsterdam (I lived in Munich, Germany during 2nd and 3rd grade) East: Italy or Austria West: California South: Florida When I lived in Germany, we took road trips all over Europe and I am PRETTY sure looking at this map that Italy is the farthest East we have gone, I can't be 100% sure though.
I live in the Netherlands North - Friesland (part of the Netherlands) East - Austria South - South Afrika (Cape Town) West - Us Gulf Coast (Galveston, Biloxi or Corpus Christie, dont know which is more westerly) (And Ive been to Spain, France, Monaco, Itally, the UK, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Gabon, Angola, Namibia, DRC, Jamaica, Cuba, Cayman, St Lucia et Martinique and Aruba, but then again, Im a sailor) Austria S-Afrika The US
You never showed me that North: Groningen (Netherlands) South: Albufeira (Portugal) East: Ankara (Turkey West: Hoek van Holland (The Netherlands). Thats about 10 km from my city I've been to France, Belgium, Spain and the Czech Repuplic.
Stuff I'm old enough to remember (ie since I was about six or seven) North: Newcastle South: Paris (Not 100% sure of this one, I've been to places further east that are possibly more southern than Paris) East: Ljubljana West: Various different parts of Wales
South: Naples, Italy East: Kusadasi, Turkey North: Actually, the place where I am now is the the most north I ever went, and that's Belgrade, Serbia West: I think Naples again, but it will be NYC in a month Btw Dean, what were you doing in Ljubljana?
I haven't been to the area in a loong time and I didn't bother to line the cities up on a map, so my 'west' could also be my 'north', but anyway.. North:Wisconsin (Dells) South: Florida (Tampa) East: North C. coast West: Minnesota (just south of Minneapolis) Haven't made it out of the country yet, but before I die I'll make my way to Alaska and New Zealand. And Africa.. and South America would be awesome as well.
North: I had a layover in the Minneapolis airport, which is the furthest north in the US I've been, but as far as me actually getting out into the city, furthest north in the US would be New York City East: Berlin, Germany South: US Virgin Islands West: Kansas City, Missouri (I know, major fail. Never been further west than my own state despite me being all over the eastern half of the US, 2 European countries and several Caribbean islands. I think I might be going to LA this summer though)
North - Glasgow (Scotland) South - Alicante (Spain) East - Naples (Italy) West - San Francisco (USA) Technically I've been far more north than Scotland but unfortunately they don't let you out of the plane on the way to America lol.
North: Middle Bass Island. East: Washington D.C. South: Lookout Mountain, Georgia West: Same as above. I don't do a whole lot of traveling.
Bunch of lucky /// I've only been to Washington d.c (it's like an hour away so I don't really count it as really, as I only went there for like 30 minutes) Tennessee Missouri and Ohio where I was born..
North: Revelstoke, BC, I suppose, since I can't think of anywhere more relatively northward. South: Cuba West: Victoria, BC East: Ooh, toughie. I think that'd have to go to Beograd.