I was just looking for linkin park on google and came to this forum via the linkin park associaton site.
I was searching for stuff about Fort Minor and this came up, I like forums, so I said why not. Thats my pretty pathetic story.
I've been an LP fan for a while, and I always referred to lpassociation for news. I just never joined the forums. Mike and Chester kick serious a**.
I've never shared my crappy story.. I like LP and the LPA was my news source. I never sat a computer as much as I do at college so I thought I'd just join because I'd check the threads out every once in a while and I would want to make some posts. There was one topic that I remember that I said to myself, I just have to join and make my opinion known, and that was some Tomb Raider game topic. So, to sum up my lame story, I joined, and my first post (it was a long one) bashed Tomb Raider. So, sorry Derek. A year and a half late. And to anyother people I made hate me a long the way.
i found this site while looking for LP+FM Tour info for the UK ( still no luck ) this site came up and boom! i was here
I was actually looking for LP ringtones because I wanted to see how badly they messed up all these great songs, and this came up for some reason.
I was friends with a moderator once. I always wanted to join but never had the internet. I actually liked one step closer when it came out but never knew who the band was until a few songs later. But i have a confession i don't like the Linkin Park/JayZ collaboration.
im magic.... no actually i dont remeber how i found it but i rememeber getting really hyper and telling all my friends about it since i was the one to convice them to listen to linkin park WOOT!!!!
Umm, Aofcounterpart.com, met a few people on there. One of them told me if I like forums this is a good place to go, whether I like Linkin Park or not. I came on her, and it really is a well organized and friendly forum.
You're wrong in saying me, I haven't a clue who this guy is. I'd wager it was Derek... I mean, it would explain the o rly.
I was searching for lyrics of SIB in 2003 and the site transmitted me to LPW4... I thought it was a good site with lots of stuff etc. But that lyrics site stopped transmission to LPW4. (Yes, I was dumb. I didn't go straight to LPW4...). So I had to search for it. And I was clicking on every LP site. So I found LPA and said "It has more stuff here." Since 2003.
I found LPA while i was searching for information about LP, when i looked around a little more i noticed this site had more information and was more fun than the official LP site so i joined and now i'm can't leave ...
someone here told me about it, in fact that someone was so mad about this site that he/she forced me to join in. Im not complaining. that person remains anonymous.