my head is kinda going crazy cuz i gotta do math homework but im not doing it right now and i keep hearing in my head, "u still got math hw"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! 2001![/b][/quote] i wasnt talking about the WTC i was talking about what happened in my country that year
i wasnt talking about the WTC i was talking about what happened in my country that year[/b][/quote] pearl harbor? yeah im stupid i dont know....
well i dont speak english very well, so i hope you understand: On sept 11 of 1973 de army of Chile take over the goberment and took as prisioners to almost all the ppl who didnt have their same ideas of how to lead the country. The bigest part of this prisioners were killed and there bodies are still missing after all this years. So every sept 11 we make something to remember them, coz they cant be forgotten