*Prays to every single god known in the universe that the radio doesn't know about this album when it comes out*
I couldn't care less if they get a song played a billion times -- it's good music, and that's all I care about. I loved their debut, and I loved their sophomore album.
Hoobastank is awesome. So their music is overplayed. So what? If you don't like seeing their music videos played all the time, stop watching the damn TV or turn off the radio. If you can't, just ignore it. If you like it and think it's good music, then enjoy it. If you hate a song just because it's overplayed, you're pretty close-minded. Er, anyway, I got off on a tangent. I love both of their albums so this third album should be good. I hope they have more heavy songs, in the style of "Same Direction," "Crawling in the Dark," "Pieces," "Out of Control" and "Let it Out."
some of their best songs, though i don't mind their softer ones as well, but all my favourites are in that list, i really can't wait for this. I'm exited.
That's exactly how it is for My Chemical Romance now, everybody started to not like them because just that one song Helena was overplayed. I don't care, I still like 'em.
Great music indeed. I really need to pick up "The Reason" though since I've only gotten their S/T one.
I loved Crawling In The Dark and then liked Out Of Control. Stupidly I bought "The Reason" without listening to more than Out Of Control. IMO, the rest of the album sucked.
awesome , but i just hope they get a little better at performing live , they sound horrible. The studio is another different story.
I was a big fan of Disappear from their sophomore effort, but in general, the Hooba never stank. I'll be awaiting the new album to leak.
They sounded just fine when I saw them. If your judging them on their MTV Awards performance, their singer was sick that night.
They sounded just fine when I saw them. If your judging them on their MTV Awards performance, their singer was sick that night. [/b][/quote] no , i saw their performances several times on mtv specials..
I don't avoid stuff that's overplayed, hell I have a mix that includes several overplayed tunes. Some of Hooba's music is somewhat decent, but they're horrible live and several songs are immature. I have both albums and have changed opinions several times...sometimes listening to the album often, sometimes not.