i know it's only a little thing but cud you possibly add a link back to the website home page on here please.. it would be more easy to get around, and a way for visitors who come to the forums via the forum links on other message boards. thanx
i can mention it......but there's a little thing called the address bar, delete anything after ".com" and change "forums" to "www."
I'll suggest it to Alex. I don't know if it's possible but worth a suggestion, thank you. But yes...typing www.lpassociation.com in your address bar will make you go directly back to the home page.
This forum will have a brand new skin over the xmas period which will look more "part" of the site with the site header menu ect. until then i'll see if i get get a link up
SHAME ON YOU ALEX!! [/b][/quote] I dont have it there either... But it is my homepage, so I dont really need it in the favorites.
Well aren't you talented?[/b][/quote] yes he must be! very talented! does that mean im talented coz i can do that to?