this song gets me really pumped up and i dont know if they hav a vid out for it yet but i c it as starting with saying the first verse(s) until the chorus when hes standing at the bottom of a mountain. (kinda like 'in the end') and then for the chorus its :chaz:, at the top, singin 'one minute ur on top!' then the band echoes from below and so on and so forth until the part where goes "now i know ill never trust a single thing you say/you knew ure lies would divide us but u lied anyway. and now ur lies have got you floatin up above us all. but wut goes up has go to FALL" and when he sez that hes on a cloud above the mountain and rite after he sez 'fall' then rain drops start falling and you see the bands reflection in them singing the rest. and it ends where theyre all at the bottom.
yeah, sometimes the song gets me pumped up, but sometimes its kind of bland. When I'm in the mood for it, its an awesome song.
I like Hit the Floor alot too, it's one of my favorite songs, but they won't be making a single for it since BTH will likely be their last one. IF it is, it hasn't been *officially* confirmed.
i like hit the floor i think the lyrics arent as good as they could be in the chorus BUT the music is awesome on it! it makes me love the song
I love HTF. Not one of my favourites on the album but i love the chorus. Very good stress relief for me . I can't really see it being a single myself but i suppose that would be cool if it was
I disagree, I think the lyrics in the chorus are pretty good, especially Mike's parts. [/b][/quote] its not the actual lyrics that i dont like its the way there singing them
Hit The Floor is a good song. It was one of my favourites off Meteora for a while. And benningtonbabelp, I don't like your idea for a video .
Your typing hurts my brain :hypno: Please consider brushing up on your typing style before ever attempting to post anything like that again
What the hell did you just say? [/b][/quote] I think they said: That was not the view I was thinking about. I see it [taking place] in the sewers but hey thats just me
why the sewers, if the faint video was different I'd see a concert with people falling down and getting dehydroated.