*fixes initial post* All you need between the "youtube" tags is the part after the = sign. In this case: Tlj6vhALejw This performance has been my favourite LP performance ever since I initially saw it. The part where it zooms in during the bridge from behind Brad's back and into the crowd gives me goosebumps when I see it.
isn't this the performance that's on the LPU 2.0 CD? and i heard no new guitar parts .. back in '05, i knew it all too, damn it. at least there's someone who still does.
Yeah, same performance as LPU 2.0. The studio version has barely any guitar whatsoever, Brad adds a ton more into the live version, otherwise it's pretty much the same (I kinda wonder if the studio version wasn't completely finished).
no, but i've seen "high voltage" live a hundred times and they do the same guitar parts every time, it's nothing new to me so i thought, like, i'd be seeing brad pull off some hawt solo. then, the dudes from dilated peoples come out and i'm like, "hang on ... this is from the LPU CD".
My favourite live video of High Voltage. I remember how shocked and amped I was when I first saw this on TV back in 02 ish. Seriously wish I was there (handwaves insanity)
It was the final version. In fact if I remember correctly, Mike said after the LPU 2.0 release that the song was only cut from the album like a few weeks to a month before the album release, it even made it into the mixing stage but was cut at the very last minute.
isnt the audio of this (kick-ass) video found on the japanese cd single of In The End? [edit]: my bad, its just Papercut, Points Of Authority and A Place For My Head. The Studio version of High Voltage is number seven on the cd. it mentions: "Produced For Radio 1 By Andy Rodgers" on the live tracks on this cd. maybe it was played on the UK airwaves? i know Radio 1 played LP's Nottingham performance in '03, so they might of done the same with this gig as well.. its a possibility
That's actually a different Docklands show, the 3 live tracks on the In the End EP were recorded in March of '01, this version of High Voltage (as well as the rest of HBO Reverb and With You on the LPU 2.0 disc) was in September. I really have no idea about what Radio 1 did, I know there were 3 in-studio live tracks that were b-sides to singles (Papercut, POA, and ITE) that were recorded at Radio 1, but the live tracks with the audience were never aired on the radio that I know of.
astat - damn - you really do know everything and yeh the live tracks which can be found on the b-sides of those singles you just mentioned are brilliant, well worth checking out if you can get hold of them..
Whoa... This is great! Best version of High Voltage I've heard live... probably the only one too. It sounds awesome. It's great that they played it... too bad they haven't played it recently.
Question for Astat? Has LP ever played a full version of It's Going Down live or just mashed up with other tracks?
I can answer that. I can't give you specifics like Astat probably can but here's just one of many of LP's performances of It's Goin' Down: It's Goin' Down
Reverb 2001 is my favourite concert from the band ever. They only played seven songs, but it was amazing nevertheless. A crazy light show, almost perfect soundboard and Adema and Puddle of Mud joining in for the craziest bridge of One Step Closer. High Voltage was the first song I heard from LP, but the reprise B-side track. Then I searched for High Voltage on YouTube and this awsome performance came up. It's a shame this was part of the few LPU concerts they did where they had some crazy light shows.