Hey! i'm Fiona, welcome to the boards. Read the rules, and PM the mods/admins if you have any problems. Its pretty fun here.
ha, hard... Just kidding. Welcome my Devon Sawa look-a-like. My name, as obvious as it is, is Cassie.
Hey, welcome to the boards Epic. I'm Kat, one of the many random staff members you'll probably be seeing around the boards a lot. make sure to read the rules and guide and if you're not sure of anything - PM me or anyone else with either the green, purple or red banners under their avatars. See you around the boards! --Kat
Mwhaha.. another teenie we can pick on :chemist: i mean.. Welcome to the boards Hope you'll have a great time here and make sure to read the rules so you wont get into trouble :whistle: jk about the first part
lol thanks everyone, I'll be sure to read the rules! btw I just got AIM, so if anyone has it message me if you want my sn is sublimexmind
Hey Epic...Welcome to the Boards! Gotta watch out for those picky mods though, make sure you cross your t's and dot your i's, or else Will goes on a rampage And Mark, well, I don't want to go into that