At's at AT ED'S No, he is trying to open an acount and the computer explodes (and the father is so proud) (on the grave stone: @@@@ is @ hevens door looking @ god and the angels are smiling @ him may he rest @ peace) {rest in peace is so out in modern computer famillis} And Eminem tells him YEAH BOY SHAKE TH@ A** [/b][/quote] What little of that I understood was hilarious
What little of that I understood was hilarious [/b][/quote] It was hilarious to me because I couldn't understand it.
At's at AT ED'S No, he is trying to open an acount and the computer explodes (and the father is so proud) (on the grave stone: @@@@ is @ hevens door looking @ god and the angels are smiling @ him may he rest @ peace) {rest in peace is so out in modern computer famillis} And Eminem tells him YEAH BOY SHAKE TH@ A** [/b][/quote] Damn Garfield, maybe if your film was that funny I would have paid more attention.
Could be worse... wasn't there a family that wanted to name their son "Saddam Sars"? I want to name one of my kids like... Jo6nathan. And say that the '6' is silent.
Damn Garfield, maybe if your film was that funny I would have paid more attention. [/b][/quote] It wasn't my fault. It was the damn producers. They were telling me that it was gonna be their way or no food for me. I have to eat to keep my body in shape
lmfaoooo that is the funniest thing ever.. that kid is gonna get teaseddd in school! i feel bad for himmm!
feel bad for his dad. His own son is gonna cut im up with a chainsaw when he grows up and his dad isn't gonna get why