Taking it back to some old skool LPA days when chain gang was feared in the streets, we had cops on the roll, Joe loved my truncheon a lot more than he could make publicly known. There was a thread years ago, I think originally created by that Daniel fellow from Auzzieland, the scene/alternative slender chap with wacky hair who used to post here a lot. The thread is simple, you've got something you'd like to promote or something you want people to see (not your truncheon), you post it here and everyone else who reads and posts in here will at least give it a look down, statistics are very important in networking and we should really help each other to grow as a group rather than trying to struggle on and peddle through a pool full of humus. Basically, you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours, we both get views, comments, likes, whatever and both get 'bigger'. Shamlessly promote here! --------------------------- For me, I've recently just started up my own youtube channel. Statistics are nearly EVERYTHING in the youtube growing channel world. I would absolutely be chuffed to bits if you would take 30seconds of your time to click on my user page, click on a few videos, possibly even post a comment and like it and even subscribe. I'm not even that bothered if you just click a video, watch 2 seconds of it and then click another one, because you've clicked on it, that's another view in my 'bag', same thing with likes, comments and subscribing. www.youtube.com/user/Itshucky
I don't have anything to shamelessly promote, but I'll check out your videos, for sure. EDIT: Dude, you have some of the most relaxing narration I've ever heard.
yes! the chance I've been waiting for, the chance to shamelessly plug my blog. Its mostly political. I don't think I have anything on there that we haven't discussed here but you should definitely check it out. http://pidgeonspolitics.wordpress.com/
I really sound NOTHING like that, however I recorded those videos like a week ago at like 5am, I'd been up for over 30hours and was in that stage where my body keeps falling asleep for a minute at a time. I got some messages and private messages on youtube from people asking if I was really high when recording my voice as I sound and i quote "The motherfucking most mellow motherfucker recording minecraft videos". I'll be releasing some more videos today and tomorrow for sure, but i'll be recording them at a decent hour rather than 4-5am EDIT: Pidgeon - Although I'm not massive on politics myself, i think you've definitely got something going there, the articles read very well and the site is very simplistic and looks appealing (i.e doesn't have massive flashing neon pink/green signs and letters everywhere, my eyes burn at that stuff), keep on posting and keep on letting us know about it!
I'll read and comment on that political blog above. Now's my chance to shamelessly plug my music blog: http://jahalia.com
http://puresque.deviantart.com/gallery/ So, yeah. Photography means quite a lot to me, and I'd like you to see some of my favorite pictures. I like taking pictures of concerts (LP, Placebo, ...), Animals, People and Nature, although Nature isn't all that important to me anymore by now. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think.
Fucking hell. Definitely worth the warning. ----- Puresque - great pics there, do you live in Germany so you were able to take the pictures? Or are you on vacation? --- As for myself, I've got 5 videos that's are literally ready to be uploaded as soon as I'm given the go-ahead, but I'm not a douche and using people's music on my videos without asking for permissions from the creators, so that's exactly what I've done, it's just killing me not releasing the videos right this instant, but I know if it were my music, I'd want the person to ask just out of sheer curtsey, so wait I must!
Tom - thank you yes, I live in germany. some of the pics are from ireland though (especially some of the people-pictures)