Hey everyone, I got the link to here from someone's sig in the LPMB.. I thought I'd try it out. So anyway, hello everyone.
hay Andrea im Buztin on LPMB I'm the super doper admin guy here at LPA Forums The forums are only young right now but I hope you'll stick around to see them come into there own
I think maybe we all are... hehe... welcome to the boards... You can call me Will... ...or Kuro... whichever you prefer.
heehee, will = kuro, the secret is out, (well not really ) tell everyone about these forums! i'm Mark, your moderator, LPFAN05 from the LPMB. have a nice stay at the LPA, (or you could just read my avatar!)
Hi, my name is Hahn, Joe hahn! I also go by: Joe, Hahn, Mr. Hahn, Mr. Joe Hahn, Joey Hahn, JoJo, Hahn's Joe, Joe's Hahn, Mr. Hahn Jo, omihomi28 and the webmaster of LPAssociation! lol I just read a chat log and now I think Joe is by far the funniest and not as mean 2 fans as I've heard