I didn't wanna go overboard on THP songs so I kept it to two. I almost put GATS on the list, but I thought the list needed a Meteora track hence Hit the Floor. I honestly don't find ALITS to be that heavy -- I mean it's heavy but far from LP's heaviest song. Not that much of it is heavy. As for Blackout, yes the second half is soft, but I think the first half is quite heavy, not to mention dark. I mean, FUCK IT ARE YOU LISTENING guys?
If "FUCK IT ARE YOU LISTENING" is heavy then I guess "I'LL PAINT IT ON THE WALLS" is heavy, too. Right guys?! GUYS
As far as how heavy it feels when I play it and the headbang mode I get into it when hitting those palm mutes: A Line in the Sand. Something about those drums with that palm muted riff layered up something ridiculous and Chester screaming "Give me back what's mine!" It hits so much harder after the super calm intro too. And that bridge section!! Ugh. Personally as a guitar player that song strikes me as the heaviest when I cover it. Second I would have to say Lying From You. That intro into that monster riff is classic.