Hey guys, its been a while lol. Been super busy with the end of school. Anyways, we just played two shows this past weekend. The second of them was at an actual music venue instead of a shitty little bar, and goddamn was it amazing. Theres a ton of videos of pretty much the whole show on facebook. Other than that, we're gettin ready for the studio in June. Album will be out in July hopefully!
Hey everyone, its been a while! We've been SUPER busy playing shows and in the studio recording the album. So far its turning out absolutely fantastic! I can't wait to show you all more of it and reveal the title and artwork as well as the songs themselves. There's 12 in total. The album is most likely around 45-55 minutes. Not as much screaming as the EP, but when there is screaming, holy hell is it good. We've all been putting our absolute best into these songs.
Yup :/ theres a band called Ten Story that owns the trademark. Ten Stories is "confusingly similar" so we'd get a cease and desist warning if we put the album out for sale under a name similar to a trademarked name. Which would mean we'd have to pay quite a large fine...
I like your music, I've said that a couple of times, you rememeber. But I gotta be completely honest here, "Ten Stories" is a terrible band name, so this works to your advantage.
I had a band called 'The White Buildings' LOL. I kind of like it a bit but doesn't mean anything. If you're out of ideas, you know what name you should choose...
Hey all! As of Thursday July 28th 2016, our first full length album is complete! More details coming very soon. Side note: I've been so busy lately that I've barely had time for anything let alone hanging around here. I miss you guys!
Not trying to be rude, but at our last 3 shows our crowd did actually chant the name before we walked out from backstage . It was really awesome to hear 80+ people all yelling it at once. No other feeling like it. I agree though, it was kinda a spur of the moment name idea and it just stuck. We have a new name though which I personally like a lot more and it will be announced soon.
Welp that name can't be used anymore as of today because we got in touch with a lawyer who said we won't be able to use it. So we're back to the drawing board :/
Very reminiscent of early 2000s hard rock/metal/alternative. Very talented group. I'm sure the lot of you have a soft spot for where the genre was during that era, but you guys have the potential to do something so much more imo. Best of luck to you and your band!