I was thinking about buying headphones. And I'm thinking between this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Vibe-Sound-...66521&pid=100009&prg=1005&rk=3#ht_4019wt_1139 and this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Sennheiser-...31098&pid=100009&prg=1005&rk=4#ht_4183wt_1139 And Beats Solo HD Mini. I prefer the Solo HD Mini.
I have the Beats Solo HD, I enjoy them. I know a lot of people hate on them, I don't quite understand why.
This. However, Sennheiser highly suggests not buying them off of unapproved vendors on eBay, due to counterfeiting issues with their headphones.
Here's why beats solo suck: - overpriced - brittle - on ear/not over ear - sound quality is only 20-20 hz...just bass boosted
If you don't mind spending a little more, these are one of the best out there. http://www.amazon.com/Sony-MDR-V6-M...id=1339427724&sr=8-6&keywords=sony+headphones These are the older version of the newer Sony MDR7509HD Professional Headphones, which a ton of pros use, but the sound is basically the same for $79 instead of $219. Both are studio monitor headphones. I own the MDR-V6's and they are crystal clear and very comfortable. I've worn them over 8 hours straight and I was still comfortable. Frequency response is 5Hz-30kHz and 5Hz-80kHz between the two. Looks like a big difference, but the human ear can only pick up about 5Hz-23kHz anyways. But yeah, the first MDR-V6's were made around 1990, and some musicians are still using those. They claim the sound gets better with time, and they are still comfortable 20 years later. Buying a brand new pair today can't really be a bad investment imo.
I have used a pair of the sony's. They're good and have decent clarity but lack the response and soundstage of better headphones. I still recommend something like the Sennheiser HD555 or Audio Technica ATH-M50. It's impossible to beat those two headphones in anything unless you want to pay over $400.
They actually have better response than both of those you listed. As for soundstage, most really good headphones will be similar. If you really care about soundstage, you should be using speakers anyways.
I am actually in the middle of finding good headphones too, I found these that I might purchase, it is in the under 60 dollar price range: http://www.amazon.com/HARMAN-K81DJ-...e=UTF8&qid=1339452262&sr=8-1&keywords=akg+k81 I heard these actually have great isolation. http://www.amazon.com/Monoprice-Pre...UTF8&qid=1339452300&sr=8-5&keywords=monoprice Good deal for the money, I heard from audiophiles. http://www.amazon.com/Sennheiser-HD...d=1339452369&sr=8-1&keywords=sennheiser+hd419 Sennheiser quality, also runs great on an iPod.
Senhiesers, beat pair of headphones I've ever owned. I have skullcandies right now though, just cause i don't have the means for the senhiesers I want. Their ok. Good for style but very underwhelming in the performance dept. HD 280s dude. Do it.
No they don't. There's a reason that Beats don't list their sound spectrum on their packaging. Upon professional testing, they are only 20-20. And as for soundstage you are so off on beats vs others. Beats is all about in your face bass blasting. There is not soundstage based on that sound. Quality audiophile headphones from sennheiser and audio technica provide very accurate representations of a soundstage.
Dude beats are a horrid investment. That's all that really needs to be said here. Stay away from beats, stay away from skullcandy. Other than that you can't go too horribly wrong.
Agreed, going from Sennheiser to a generic brand pair of headphones is a massive difference. Although I find buying even cheap noise cancellation in-ear headphones more than makes up for it.