yeh i agree mostly with this, i mean, shit happens, and its happened to me, but i always have just thought that the only way its gonna get worse is through suicide, and so i find another way around it. i also know people that have tried to commit suicide, my girlfriend was in a bad relationship, and it was causing lots of problems as home, and so she slit her wrists, and shes got the scars. ok, i dont think it is right, but i think that for some people, if its what they want, let them, but i dunno, i really am contradicting myself arent i?
i have scars. mostly on my heart, the next relationship i get into...there won't be a next one. also on my arm, i never tried to kill myself like that, but i just stop the pain. it works. i don't know why. only like 3 times but i left scars every time. idk right now i am feeling the stress of christmas and how i am going to be alone and all this and michael already called and flipped out on me and it is all putting me in a very hopeless mood and i am done talking about it i already posted it on my xanga. i can't go through it twice.
First i wanted to suicide, because my life was terrible, but later i thaught about 'you have a life and you live 1 time' so i didn't want to suicide anymore
would it be different if you had a terminal illlness? would it be accepted for you to think about killing yourself, and should you be allowed to decide whether or not you want to do it? i don't mean euthaniasia, where someone does it for you. i mean yourself. should you be allowed to make that decision? is it different than someone without a terminal illness thinking about killing themselves?
One can do what they want, whenever they want. They control their own choices in my perception. They dont need to tell us the reason nor do they have to feel like it has to be accetped. Its their life.....not mine or yours.
right, but suicide is a crime. i got charged with attempted suicide when i was 16. i mean, it's not that big of a deal, it's not like you won't get any jobs or anything because of it, and i was a minor, but still. i'm saying, should it be a crime to want to kill yourself because you are going to die anyway? should it be allowed?
I don't understand why it's a crime in the first place? I mean, is it because the police have to waste time checking that they weren't murdered or anything? It shouldn't be a crime if you're going to die anyway.
because it is the unlawful premeditated killing of someone. even if it is yourself, that is the legal definition of murder, and you are harming someone.
yeah. But only 4 a bit. then i wait and think.. why the hell would you wanna end your life really! You only live once and there is a way to make it work!!
Couldn't agree with you more. There is always time to get your shit together and sort yourself out. It's not worth dying for.
One can do what they want, whenever they want. They control their own choices in my perception. They dont need to tell us the reason nor do they have to feel like it has to be accetped. Its their life.....not mine or yours. Ok Ether that is very politically correct and all but I've got one small problem with that. You say people should be able to do whatever they want whenever. They control their own choices. What if their choice was to kill you or rape your daughter? Don't you think you'd have a problem with how they chose to live their life and what they chose to do. All I'm saying is everything is relative. If people were allowed to do whatever they wanted and not be judged then who are we to judge a murderer or anyone.
people feel that that is the only way out sometimes. people don't feel this way forever, there is evidence that people who tried to kill themselves realized how much they didn't want to while in the process. so think about the people that succeeded. it breaks my heart, but people do this as an impulse. i heard once that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. it may be the wrong solution, but people still see it as one. a very effective one, but in the end you are the only one that loses out.
No, you're not. What about your family and friends? What about the people that loved and cared about you? Suicide is selfish. You're taking your own life to solve your own problems, and as a result, you're causing all this shit for everyone else that has to deal with the emotional loss. People who want to die have to think about what they're doing to the people they love.
true, i wasn't saying it like that, but i meant that doing it because of something that is a problem is stupid because you can solve the problem another way instead of making it worse...well not really making it worse, but seeing if there is another way to solve it.
Well that's good, sorry I reacted so harshly. Well, I think I did anyway. I agree, there are much better ways to solve problems.
iIagree with the fact that people have choice's but i dont agree with the fact that people can do what they want whenever they want. As for the people with terminal illness's they should have a choice wether they want to die or wait, I have been there my dad had cancer and was dying I wanted him to be around for as long as possible so I could spend as much time as I could with him but at the same time i didnt want him around to suffer the illness. It doesnt hit you that we take our life granted till u see some very close to u dying and it changes the way we think of life and the way u want to live it. In the fact of wanting to kill your self u should first think of the people who love you and the people who u leave behind and how they will feel, would you want to put them through all of that pain and suffering just to stop the problems u may or may not have. Everything can be sorted out if u talk to people you will feel better aobut ur self if u talk to people. killing ur self is a waste of life think what would a member of ur family do what would the kid down the road would do, think of what it would be like for other people that would be left after u have gone.