Have fun with your boring forum.

Discussion in 'Feedback & FAQ' started by Cale., Mar 24, 2008.

  1. Omar

    Omar Administrator LPA Super Member

    Jul 13, 2002
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    This will be my last post in this thread. Please read it carefully:

    1. Our rules have nothing to do with a hidden motive of laziness; we value quality over quantity. Even if it was, what right do you have to criticize, since all of us are either full-time workers or students who do this on a voluntary basis. If you can't appreciate that, then this is not the place for you. I'm sorry.

    2. The forums are what you make of it. If you want things to be more active, then do so. And here's a simple way to determine post validity:

    -- Random thoughts: posts that don't necessarily go together or generate sensible discussion.

    -- Random threads: posts regarding a specific topic that doesn't fit in the other forums, and generates sensible discussion.

    But comparing us to other forums is useless (and tactless), because we're not going to change how we operate based on that. If you prefer those other forums, then please be my guest.

    3. Not everyone is capable of making intelligible posts and threads. You don't notice this b/c we have a mod queue that stops them from getting onto the boards in the first place. Again, if we were lazy, we wouldn't have it.

    4. Please notice how the other staff have been largely absent from this thread. They feel disrespected and unappreciated. And I can't blame them.

    Have fun with your boring thread.
  2. Chris.

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    If you say your gone for good why are you coming back just to complain? If you don't like it then stick to your word and stay gone.
  3. Cale.

    Cale. Banned

    Jan 20, 2005
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    Sensible discussion is fine, but perhaps overrated as a means of deciding whether a forum is intelligent or not.

    Sometimes you just need to kick your shoes off, put your feet up and participate in a bit of banter and light hearted chat. If Random Thoughts is the only place for that to happen, then people are just talking over the top of eachother and nothing really happens. This is nothing to do with the mods not doing their jobs, as they are. I'm just suggesting a change.

    But if myself and the other several people who've said the same thing hasn't convinced you then I'll quit trying then.
  4. esaul17

    esaul17 antichrist

    Jun 17, 2004
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    I think the problem is just that the mods are over extended. Maybe they should look to increase the amount of moderators present, as it would be unfortunate to see a limitation of manpower cause a limitation of the forum on the whole. It could help threads be actively monitored opposed to just closed as a preventative measure. Just a note: I have no desire to be a mod :p.

    As people say, I doubt a slightly more lenient rule on random thoughts would really hurt much. I mean, if people are looking for a really serious discussion they'll go to Serious Chat anyway. I mean, don't turn the place into 4chan, but this isn't China either :lol:.

    I also do slightly dislike the need of central threads as it is SO easy to get lost in them. GSYWTLO and RT definitely have a purpose, but I find sometimes almost the entire Serious Chat and Random Thoughts forums are devoured by them.

    I know I was one of the "monkeys with type writers" Derek was referring to, so I hope I my post can still be viewed from behind untainted glass. I have no hurt feelings toward the forum and am very thankful to Derek and everyone else who keeps it online and operational.
  5. Chris.

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    I didn't mean to sound harsh in my last post but it came out that way. I'm just getting tired of all the negativity on these forums. It's one thing to leave because you don't like it here anymore but it's another to just surf the forum and wait for the perfect time to attack the mods. It's just getting ridiculous that people just can't go and leave it at that, there's no need to come back and start more shit.
  6. Cale.

    Cale. Banned

    Jan 20, 2005
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    This isn't attacking the mods though. I went over the top with my initial post and have since admited that.

    In my opinion since then myself and others have been nothing but constructive.

    This thread is doing my head in. I've created a monster.
  7. Chris.

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    I didn't mean you in that post. I was basically singling out Chris because he has said he's "100% Gone" but he came back and basically said the mods aren't doing their job.

    I have no hard feelings with you whatsoever. All the posts against what you've been saying have just been me debating.
  8. Chris

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    I didnt actually, I made other posts aswell. And I noticed that alot of people would like to have some fun thread so why not say something to contribute tot that.

    Did you talked to other members who left like that? Cant remember if you were being a hater to Friskey or someone else. Or Marj, but hell.. she has boobies! So she doesnt count right? So lets all hate on Chris because he likes the words gay and retard. Thats so not 2008.
  9. Chris.

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    I didn't really notice Friskey or Marj coming in here telling the mods that they aren't doing their jobs. Although I might be blind, did they come in here and say that?
  10. Chris

    Chris LPA Addict LPA Addict

    Feb 21, 2003
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    I wasn't talking about that, I was talking about "If you don't like it then stick to your word and stay gone."

    Cant remember telling you that to Friskey or Marj.
  11. Cale.

    Cale. Banned

    Jan 20, 2005
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    At this point in time I would like to state that I would be more than happy for this thread to be closed in order to save the forum from a meltdown. Of course if the mods are willing to discuss the suggestions made by myself, Will, Arlene and others in the sanctuary of their own private forum.

    I didn't post 20+ times in here for no reason I hope.
  12. Chris.

    Chris. LPA Super Member Über Member

    Jul 13, 2003
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    They didn't come back just to complain again, which is what it seemed like you did. If you're going to come back to complain, there's no point in coming back.
  13. Kæton

    Kæton is Keaton LPA Über VIP

    Oct 16, 2002
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    If people can't play nice I'm going to close this thread. Stop while you're ahead. This is a warning.
  14. Joe

    Joe I'm tried LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    I don't think that's the problem. We have enough Admins & Mods who all take time to come on the boards and see what's going on. Ofcourse some may not be on as much as others, and probably don't post that much, but everyone on the team is always here. It's not a lack of man power really, I don't think there's ever a case where we don't do our jobs. If we see a reported post we'll look at it, and we all browse the boards.

    I know I, and others on the team don't have as much time as I used to, to come on and post in every thread, mainly because I have work and college, my girlfriend and my friends and god knows what else, but I still find time everyday to come on here and make sure everything is going okay, and see what's going down.
    Don't worry, we're always talking about ways we can improve the site and nobody's comments have gone unnoticed. We're constantly discussing what people suggest and how we can build on it. :thumbsup:
  15. Tim

    Tim My perversion power is accumulating LPA Super Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    I think this is always going to be a touchy subject, because opinions on
    whether a thread is "random" or just "pointless" are inherently subjective. It's
    not possible to come to some sort of consensus on that issue. Talking about these issues in a mature way is all we can do. Not everyone is going to be pleased with the decisions made by the staff, but I think the fact that they've
    let this thread stay open proves that they are listening. We should give them some credit for that.

    So, thanks. :)

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