Haters & Believers: A Thousand Suns Release

Discussion in 'News' started by Joe, Sep 28, 2010.

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  1. #41

    cloudscream Static

    Jul 30, 2010
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    He just wanted to say that everyone (old fans and new fans) is welcome to their shows, and they'll play songs from all their albums. Mike really doesn't care whether one likes the record or not, he just wanted to clear things up, on how someone said that they “write songs about how pissed off they are at their old fans, telling them to go f*** themselves. That’s not mature, that’s just disrespectful.” Mike's post is an "anti-fan alienation post."
  2. #42

    noonetohearme Member

    Aug 4, 2010
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    Well said, Mike, well fucking said! On behalf of all of the LP fans here at LPA (if they allow), we love ya. Thanks for the new music.
  3. #43

    Anne married to the ocean LPA VIP

    Sep 8, 2010
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  4. #44

    Joe It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Yeah, a lot of people are misunderstanding this post as Mike saying fuck you to the haters, where if you read it, this is exactly what he's saying they're not doing.

    I really respect Mike for bringing this up and giving his perspective on the subject, because let's be honest, it's something that has been happening since The Catalyst first came out. I'm glad he put it to rest and had the final say.
  5. #45

    Harlz More Scared Of You Than You Are Of Me LPA Super Member

    May 26, 2006
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    The man's a champion.
  6. #46

    Flozuki LPA VIP LPA VIP

    Jun 1, 2010
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    Hey, you went to the Hamburg Pre Listening ;-)
  7. #47
    Colonel Sanders

    Colonel Sanders Well-Known Member

    Mar 11, 2007
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    I hope thats it really. The last nail on the coffin. LP now has the opportunity to do things differently with their next recording. Hmm my subconscious is sayin somethin like "want our old shit/ buy our old albums". No. You've done that before. Turn the car hard to the left and avoid that telephone pole. It's going to take a few more albums until a lot of listeners finally understand that there is never going to be a return to their earlier sound. As with many things, art has endless possibilities for the future. The thoughts from others about their personal desire for wanting more rookie and sophomore material are not going away anytime soon. Its something we hardcore fans are going to have to live with. LP is causing divisions in their listeners, which is a testament to their durability. We just don't want mike to spend any more of his resources talking or thinking about this issue and just focus efforts on the art. I give them kudos and respect for their abilities, collective character, and creations, yet I don't like that mike has invested a lot, as it appears on the surface, to the public on this subject. He has all the right to do this; just as others have the right to bash it. LP is going to be around for a long time, and that sounds exciting. Time to fuckin bring it live with your friends buddy! I bet ur readin the responses Michelle Shinoda, so if ur readin this thread come to Ottawa and a lot of us give u huge props for ur big balls.
  8. #48

    Meryl_ Well-Known Member

    Sep 7, 2010
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    About people saying that he says he doesn't care what people think, yet he's just talking about reviews - well, he is talking about FANS reviews, not RS or press people. I think what regular people (and fans) think of their album is WAY more important to them that what the press says.

    I think it was needed, cause the LP fans are breaking into two parts, and it's important that he officially recognizes this, while saying that everyone is still welcome at their shows.

    But well, i'm fucking glad about this album - it feels like all the years i said LP was wasting its talent and that they had an amazing creativeness now has been proven.
  9. #49

    Niklas BadaBinge LPA VIP

    May 1, 2007
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    a nice read, truth in every written word. Mike is awesome :)
  10. #50

    maclieberman Just caught in the undertow..

    Mar 30, 2007
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    woooowwww...what he wrote is exactly whats happening..its nice to know the band knows everything goin on...and Mike is right about everything he said. LOVE this blog, thanks for posting! He totally knows about the fans questioning about "the real Linkin Park" bullshit..its finally about time he makes a nice big response about all this! And good to know he also knows about the people who think they sold out or gone pop.

    "This is the opposite of a “sell out” album; don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. If money and popularity was the goal, the safe bet would be to try to make Hybrid Theory again." ---BINGO! Tell that to the fuckin trolls! lol

    Good read, thanks.
  11. #51

    Storm Well-Known Member

    Mar 19, 2010
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    Mike is a mastermind and an artist with balls.

    Is good to lay a word on haters, 'cause if you'd paint a picture and expose it and a person runs toward it with a knife ready to cut it in the half, wouldn't you lay a sweet fist in his face before he reaches the point?
    Art is art. And phantom ratings are disrespectful exactly as people who hates you just because you try to do what you like and keep yourself in motion and inspired.
  12. #52

    Joe It's all the same to me LPA Administrator

    Mar 20, 2004
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    Really enjoyed reading both of your posts and you both make good points. I agree with what you both said. :thumbsup:
  13. #53

    LinkinParkForever275 Linkin Park is my religion!

    Jul 7, 2010
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    AMEN!! its just perfect to read
  14. #54

    Jeff WORSHIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Feb 3, 2010
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    This should be a great reason to propose to sites like Amazon and iTunes, that you HAVE to have bought the item in their store in order to rate them. I think its a little stupid that iTunes will do that for their apps, but they won't for their music.
  15. #55
    Blackee Dammet

    Blackee Dammet Feminism Is My God Now

    Feb 25, 2006
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    So do people just sort of forget that Linkin Park fans are generally crybaby morons that pull this "omg SELLOUTZ!" crap every time they release anything? This bands "core base" shifts every 2 or 3 years, I don't see the reason why a huge explanation was in order so that some schmuck whom picked up Meteora in 2006 might rationalize his butthurt.
  16. #56

    Shayan86 Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2010
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    That was a good read, but I agree with a few people who said there probably was no need for it. Mike and the rest of the guys are musicians, they never have to explain to people why they made this or that, they just release the music they want to make, people (including fans and people who are not fans of the band but are curious music lovers) will listen to it and express their opinion about the record. "Lovers" or "Haters" are two meaningless words in this case, You can be a fan of a band and not like some of their works, some Pink Floyd fans hate The Wall, the same can be said about any other musician and their fans, and of course, you might not be a fan of a band yet be fond of some of their songs.

    Fact is, like it or not, HT and Meteora brought a huge fanbase for Linkin Park (Including the people who say they hate Nu Metal now, like me) and when we're talking about millions of people, the difference in opinions will be much bigger than a smaller fanbase. And when the band decides to release an album as different as this, then it's obvious it will polarise such a huge fanbase. Asking every Linkin Park fan to like this album is like asking Radiohead fans to enjoy listening to a Hip-Hop album from them. It's possible, but not simple at all. And calling the ones who don't enjoy the new sound "haters" does not make any sense. I personally like ATS, but I can understand why some fans don't at the same time.

    Mike brings up some good points in his post, but not all of them sound correct to me, a few of them are debatable. Mike says "The truth is, we’re believers that good, honest art will triumph at the end of the day." That's a good point, but if Mike is referring to ATS, problem is, not every moment in ATS sounds like honest art to me, there are some great moments there, and there are some weak spots as well, at least that's what I think. And Mike raises a good point about the fact that calling this album a sell-out record, is illogical, and I agree with it. But some fans (Who are not whiny teens or Nu Metal lovers) dislike the album because it sounds way too poppish for Linkin Park, that's a valid point too, although the album is not Pop by any means, it's much much less Rock oriented that their previous albums and it was obvious some of those people who liked the Rock-ish aspect of Linkin Park's music (Which used to be the conspicuous feature of their music for 7 years) were going to be shocked or disappointed with it.

    Point is, music as a whole is considered to be an art, and art is totally a matter of taste. There's no reason for an artist to make explanations for their compositions, as there's no need for reviewers and fans to explain why they like or dislike an album.
  17. #57

    nenillin Member

    Aug 31, 2010
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    I agree.
  18. #58
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Powerful post Shayan86. Agree with all of it.
  19. #59

    Xodus112 Well-Known Member

    Aug 2, 2010
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    The funny thing I've noticed is that the friends who I've played songs with that came into it with an open mind love the songs. My one friend who didn't like it was a big HT and Reanimation fan and one day he's bashing the album to a friend (and even makes fun of Mike's new haircut) he goes onto say that there's no rapping on it (false) and they use autotune (false) and it's basically too beat driven.

    I mention to him that they've done stuff similar to this with Reanimation and Breaking the Habit. He says Reanimation was a remix album and Breaking the Habit was just one song at least the album was still rap-rock (smh). I go on to say yeah, and I hear the new songs Limp Bizkit and Korn are coming out with and they sound the same as they did in the 90's and they're both irrelevant to which he has no response. And this is a guy that listens to a wide range of music including a lot of techno (not saying ATS is techno, but it's very electronically driven) so he simply expects LP to do a certain thing and when they don't it "sucks."

    This seems to be the general theme and similar to the guy Mike mentions as liking Disturbed and Daft Punk. People seem to like things in neat little boxes and once that thing busts out of it's box people don't know what to do with it.

    Another example of this is Kanye's 808's and Heartbreaks, which in my opinion is his best album, but I heard people say they didn't like it because it's "not hip hop or rap." OK, now that what we know what these albums aren't, let's talk about what they are.

    And of course this is entirely my own opinion, but I think with ATS Linkin Park went from a band that made good songs to a band that makes great music. Those can very easily be the same thing but there is a distinction.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2010
  20. #60

    jcmar16 Banned

    Jul 28, 2010
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    it's weird that this is almost exactly what i tell people when they tell me how LP have sold out, or just hate on them for changing. I feel special having the same thought process (well, apparently) as Mike has about this stuff. :D But anyways, kudos to Mike having the balls to write this and post it.
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