Has Linkin Park lost fans???

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by thesungoesdown, Mar 12, 2006.

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  1. #1

    thesungoesdown It's like I'm paranoid..

    Dec 9, 2005
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    As much as I love linkin park recently i've been under the impression that they;ve lost a lot of fans. My sister, used to loveeee linkin park because they really helped her at a time in her life that she was angry and under a lot of stress. She used to listen to their music endlessly. Fast forward 3 years later, her life is back on track and shes happy with the way things are going. She admits that she doesn't like LP anymore because their music reminds her of those bad times. Soo this leads me to the point of the thread. Do a lot of ppl feel this way? Obviously the ppl on this board doesn't, but what about LP fans out there who went through a similar situation and have really changed their lives. As for me, i love LP because i'll admit they help soothe the anger, this year has been really stressful...i'm starting to think, 5 years from now or w/e, will i feel the same way my sister feels, and not like LP anymore? I hope not. This is just a thougth i had....please don't get mad...
  2. #2

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    The last time I actually sat down and listened to LP was a long time ago.

    I think that in many ways, LP has lost fans. Not just because of the generic formula that their music takes, but the people to whom the music appealed to got older as well. 6 years after Hybrid Theory, those teenie-boppers and rockers have gotten older, matured, gotten into other music, and expanded their horizons in terms of life itself. I know with me, I moved away from LP because I was craving for something more musically.

    Don't get this board... stereotyped (as I can't think of a better word). Not all of us are LP fanatics. We all were (and for some, still are) at one point or another. But we stay on the board for the social connections and because we're postaholics. Sure we're all still FANS, but not fanatics like we used to be.

    Don't be worried about losing your interest in LP. You'll still enjoy the music, just maybe as a casual listener. It's a part of life. You'll move on and get into another band or group that will enthrall your ears just as much as LP.
  3. #3

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    From what I've gathered in, it was Reanimation that completly fucked LP up. HT sold soooo well and it gave them one motherfucker of a fan base but Reanimation came out and lost ALOT of support from people. Meteora gained a few back but I don't think they have as many fans as they did when HT came out. Collision Course got them alot of respect throughout Hip Hop though but Fort Minor has just failed to please nearly as much people as LP has.
  4. #4

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Personally, I don't think Reanimation stalled the band's fanbase from growing, and I don't think it made them lose fans, either.

    What I think happen was that, between the span between the first album and the second album, their fans grew up. Maybe they went and listened to Disturbed or discovered an old metal band like Pantera, but their interests was shifted for awhile. When Meteora was released, and those fans went back to their former love, they discovered that in those years, the band hadn't matured or progressed a single bit.

    Those fans might not come back this time around. Personally, I've always found remix albums and the like aren't the direct root of losing fans for a band. I think those things are for the hardcore fans. The direct root of losing fans is linked to remix albums. The fans might think, "What the hell? I want new material! Not a remix of One Step Closer!". Ya dig?

    It happens with every band that does it. Death From Above 1979, Nine Inch Nails, etc.
  5. #5

    Mk_Spike Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2006
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    I beleive though, when linkin park release thier next album and it pushes the absolete limits of their musical ablity then theyll pick up the fans again. I do beleive that no matter how many fans they lose, in my heart they will always live as legends. for they did things with their music no1 else could do, theyve helped us all get through certain tyms in our lives and they all still have centimental value to those hu ever loved them. LINKIN PARK-Legends!!
  6. #6
    Chris Luke

    Chris Luke LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 15, 2004
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    linkin park has a rather large fan base. and a very loyal one for that matter. it's not like they're going to not sell out arena's when they tour. sure, they may lose some, but that happens for every band out there.
  7. #7

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    good point

    all my friends think HT was an awesome album (which it was) but after that nobody really seems to talk about them much so i dont know
  8. #8

    Christopher Über Member Über Member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    I really think they have lost fans but i think that's normal with people growing up and the time they spend on making an album.
    But they have gained fans too with FM, i guess but if you wanna be a musician who only gains fans then u should use the Britney Spears technique (selling everything everywher with your face / name on it) which they'll never do.
  9. #9

    Nothin*2*lose Well-Known Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    I think they've lost some fans but if you think about it what band doesn't? HT
    was a brilliant album and after that the goods haven't been that great but Meteora I myself know got a lot of my friends into LP. And as alot of you said before people get older and music taste changes.....
  10. #10

    lparks41 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    I mean come on guys, basically everyone bought hybrid theory. That was back in the day when all of our friends, grandparents, and pet dogs and cats listened to Linkin Park...

    I don't think Lp will ever get that kind of attention again, it would be cool if they did. But it's unfair to say they lost fans just because they don't sell 18 million albums every time around. I'm sure they will be very successfull on the new album and attract an entirely new kind of fan-base aimed at a younger audience...

    Also I don't think it's that the older fans are growing up or loosing interest, as much as it is that Lp just hasn't released an album in 3 years. So every lp fans excitement is kind of at a low right now.
  11. #11

    thesungoesdown It's like I'm paranoid..

    Dec 9, 2005
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    I completely agree. As for me, i guess i'm what u can call an LP fanatic. I'm at a point in my life where i'm really stressed out and angry with a lot of things. LP's aggresion and their ability to relate with my life is what draws me to their music. I think its really important that this new album establishes a new "sound" or approach to hold onto the fans they have. i know i'll be an LP fan for a longg time but i can't say the same about a lot of ppl i know.
  12. #12

    obiwanws2 Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2003
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    simple answer.....yes.....but they still do hv a lot also...stuff like collision course caused some ppl i know to stop listening
  13. #13
    Dr. Faust

    Dr. Faust "Your Epitaph Will Be A Barcode"

    Jan 6, 2006
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    popularity will increase when the new album is out, but like many have said, HT's success will never be duplicated by LP. i don't like the fact that people are saying that linkin park have been "grown out of". i know that there are better bands, but that makes the fanatics sound extremely childish.
  14. #14
    User Name

    User Name Angry Marines. Always angry, all the time. >:C LPA Super Member

    Jan 18, 2003
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    No. Fuck no. Not a younger audience. The fanbase has too many teenies as it is. It doesn't need more.
  15. #15

    Boo Guest

    Um I don't know. I know a lot of people who like them, but aren't obsessed with them. Obsession is a phase that I went through. I don't actually listen to them a lot anymore. I still am a fan, though
  16. #16

    lparks41 Well-Known Member

    Mar 17, 2005
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    I know it kind of sounds bad in a way, but isn't that what linkin park has always been geared towards? Mostly teenagers and twenty-whatevers?

    Why else do you think they are trying to change and break out of the box? Probably because they want to change with the times and make music that would be popular today I'm assuming. I kind of got that from this Joe Hahn quote also--"I think we need to freshen that up and come up with some different and interesting approaches that pertain to today." That's not necessarily bad, but could be.
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2006
  17. #17
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Type correctly, stop using pathetic shortenings of words, and use proper English unless you wish to face a warning. You know the rules around here, all we ask is that you follow them.

    As for the question concerning whether or not Linkin Park has lost any fans, the answer is a big yes. This is due mostly in part, to the very stupid marketing decisions Linkin Park has made over the course of their career.

    Despite being hailed as their most musically impressive album, Reanimation probably shouldn't have came out for almost another 2-3 albums. Who honestly releases a remix album when they have barely enough material in their repetoire to fill that CD? The minute the band basically made a rehash of Hybrid Theory (which is all remix albums are..rehashes) it sent up a red flag to several fans about Linkin Park trying to milk that album for all its worth. Then when Meteora came out and sounded barely different from its predecessor, it made many fans start to question the band and caused several to leave out of disgust.

    These fears weren't helped when they released that (in my honest opinion) totally unnecessary mashup album with Jay. I aint a racist but, I believe the N word should never even come REMOTELY close to a Linkin Park record. It's a horrible word with a dark past, and I could get into why I don't even think black people should use it, but that'd just spark a long and heated debate.

    Quite truthfully, even though I'm putting so much energy into maintaining this site, my faith in Linkin Park is hanging on a thin thread. My music tastes have grown to music I feel to be far more mature (Pink Floyd, Coldplay, Zepplin etc.) and I have little interest for Linkin Park's brand of angst rock anymore. I used to be Linkin in the Park and my bizkit used to be limp, but that rap-rock gimmick had it's place and simply isn't all that satisfying to me anymore.

    That's why I'm hoping all this hype surrounding Linkin Park's newest record comes true. The band needs to drop the 13 year old point of view (come on they aren't called 'angst rock' for nothing), stop playing powerchords and stop coming off like a more metal sounding limpbizkit. This record is Linkin Park's chance to grow up and act their age (all band members are almost 30) and lets hope they actually take it.

    I mean let's face it, even though I totally hated Collision Course, that Paul McCartney mashup made the band show some promise.

    Basically I want the band to be far better then they are right now so I can actually be 'respected' when I state that I'm a fan of Linkin Park. Right now I get called an emo kid.
  18. #18

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Derek summed it up real nicely there... i really hope this album lives up to the hype as he said. we can only sit back and wait at this point.
  19. #19
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    I mean yeah I still respect Linkin Park and would probably be star struck if I talked to any one of them, but I want them to ditch their old sound for something better.

    However, it seems third/fourth albums are the 'memorable albums' for artists nowadays. Although LP have released a lot of junk CDs, this CD is only their third studio album.

    X&Y was Coldplay's third and it was brilliant. Vheissu was Thrice's fourth and it completely changed their sound and people's perception about them.

    You know what they say "third time's a charm".
  20. #20

    Christopher Über Member Über Member

    Jun 18, 2005
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    I hope what they say is true . :D
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