Wow I'm amazed I wasn't able to find a thread on this book yet. I don't understand why all the Harry Potter hype has died down since the last book. So how many of you have finished it and what did you think? Personally, I thought it wasn't nearly as exciting compared to the 3rd or 4th book. The whole book lacked action, which I guess is reasonable since Rowling felt more like giving us a ton of information on Voldemort's background. Also, the ending was really abrupt and left me wondering whether she could fit all that she said she was going to into the 7th and final book. That being said, I still found it a quite pleasurable read and it was just as addicting as the previous ones. I'm really looking forward to how Rowling finishes the whole series.
^ditto I found it interesting to find out about Voldemort, it helped a lot of things (in the other books) make more sense.
I didn't like this book at all (well, I did for obvious reasons... it's HP! Come on!), because of the stuff that happened. There were some things that made me smile though. SPOILERS AHEAD! Highlight the white text to read. Lupin and Tonks at the end of the book. AWW. Ginny and Harry for the short time. AWW again. Ron and Hermione sort of coming out in the open about their stances on each other. AWW again sort of. Yeah I'm a bit of a romantic, so what? Oh yeah, and finding out that Draco is human after all. Oh and Snape finally being the DADA teacher. And what I hated about the book. Same thing, highlight. Let's start with the obvious, they killed Dumbledore! Fleur. Phlegm. =P Ron being a complete ass. I think that's it that I know of, but I just finished the book. Let's discuss.
I actually think that this will be one of my favorites of the HP series. ***Highlight for Spoilers*** All of my pairing that I write in fanfiction actually happened! (Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Tonks/Lupin) We learned more about Voldemorts past and know know how to destroy him. With Dumbledore gone, Harry will be mostly independant except for close friends and the OotP (WHich I belive he will join since he's not continuing at Hogwarts.) Is anyone else really curious as to who the hell R.A.B. is? I think Snape is still good but he's a coward. Why? Because Draco couldn't kill DUmbledore and because of the unbreakable vow that Snape made with Narcissa, he had to kill Dumbledore to save his own skin. Hoowever for valuing his own life above Dumbledore's he's a coward and I trust him much less than I did prior HBP. I think that's it.
Here's what I have to say about your last two spoilers. R.A.B stands for Really Active Bunny. Oh and I also noticed the real reason he killed Dumbledore... but I think somewhere inside Snape must have realized that with his connections to Voldemort, with his loyalties in question, he had no choice but to kill Dumbledore. The flow of information he had, the connections he now has, and the trust that the Death Eaters and the Lord have in him are now irreplaceable and would be significant in the Order's hunt to track him down.
Here's what I have to say about your last two spoilers. R.A.B stands for Really Active Bunny. Oh and I also noticed the real reason he killed Dumbledore... but I think somewhere inside Snape must have realized that with his connections to Voldemort, with his loyalties in question, he had no choice but to kill Dumbledore. The flow of information he had, the connections he now has, and the trust that the Death Eaters and the Lord have in him are now irreplaceable and would be significant in the Order's hunt to track him down. [/b][/quote] **HIGHLIGHT* indeed it will be a "really active bunny" very soon in up-coming fics no doubt. Also, Dumbledore said that he knew all about what Snape was doing when Harry confronted him. I think that it may have been Dumbeldore's orders that if it played out the way it did, for Snape to kill him. My brain is going crazy with possibilities behind this. I can't decide on just one.
I liked this book alot more than the last book because Harry wasn't a prick throughout. Instead Ron was. I also found this book has less action and explained things almost to lead up to the next book. Ever thought that R.A.B. was Reuglus (sp?) Black, Sirius' brother? I also agree with what someone said earlier, about Draco actually being human. It was nice to see the constant bad guy show emotion at the end. And I found the Lupin and Tonks funny/romantic.
Anyone think Dumbledore will reappear later like Gandalf does? Highlight: And yes Snape killing Dumbledore on Dumbledore's orders seems like a very reasonable explanation. I doubt that Rowling's lesson behind Dumbledore's death is that "everyone makes mistakes in trusting people."
Isn't everything possible in these books wonna read it but i'm waiting for it to be translated into dutch (bought book 5 in english didn't understand the first page ... :whistle: )
Way to ruin the ending for me. *Slits wrist* Just for the record, I've never read a Harry Potter book or seen any of the movies in my life.
What the hell does Lord of the Rings have to do with Harry Potter? Sorry, I'm just not seeing the connection.
This book, wasn't as good as 5 or 4, I agree, but it still had the addictive factor of all her books. Personally I think what changed, is that she lets the reader first know who is who and after that, The caracters figure out, for me, this was less exiting, And the beginning was quite boring too, but overall, this was more an explanation book, i guess. still fun for reading!
Um... what? Excuse my ignorance in color-coordinating. Dean: Should have painted the Dark Mark instead.
MASSIVE SPOILERS: This rant was pointed out to me by someone on one of my LJ communities and I must say that this is EXACTLY what I was thinking and I picked up on a lot of the same things he/she did. READ
Some of those points are just over-analysing, and most others don't really have any basis. But it was thought provoking, I s'pose. White text: The one thing that really gets me is that, when Dumbledore and Harry return with the fake Horcruxe, Dumbledore insists on seeing Snape instead of the nurse. Then, on the battlements Dumbledore acts as if he had no idea of what was coming whereas up until that point he acts as though he's... planning something big (for lack of a better way to put it), involving Snape. I suppose that killing Dumbledore was a last ditch thing on Snape's part.