She looks too butch lesbian for my tastes. I'd take a 13 year old girl over a butch lesbian any day. Yes, that means I'd take you too Lyndie. :chemist:
Listen to AC/DC. That always makes me happy and tingly inside. If that fails i suggest "If You're Happy & You Know It". Clap your hands.
That's not really a good one either. Meh. I don't care enough to go find a good picture. Yes Casey, we all think JoJo is prettier. But musical talent...weeellll.... That's not a bad picture... I think her main problem is the fact that she's rockin' the mullet...the female version, that is.
umm lol i when ever i listen to system of a down, the lyrics may not be "happy" but the way they are sung
You haven't seen Boy George's eyes have you [/b][/quote] boy george looked way better back then than he does now listen to the dresden dollscoin- operated boy. thats happy. oh, and the faint- deperate guys, if you like synth-pop/dance music (or just anything by them).
I love Boy George - and his hair. When he had hair. And his band...*sings* "karma karma karma karma karma chameleon..." But, some 80's fashions are good. I mean - besides the spandex. And the mullets. Hmm...happy music...I think...Redemption Song by Bob Marley makes me very, very happy.