these are guilty pleasures? Justin Timberlake, the best pop artists around as claimed by many Eminem- the biggest selling artists of this decade and biggest selling rapper of all time (who many people call the greatest) and i don't get why the others are guilty pleasures either. maybe if I had an explanation I would understand. Care to explain? what's wrong with Puddle of Mudd. Great band tbh
"It's popular so that means it sucks!" -- Legions and legions of incredibly stupid people peer pressure bites.
Guilt over listening to certain types of music is in the ear of the beholder. It's a personal opinion. Some people may be embarrassed by listening to a certain artist. Others may like that artist and see nothing wrong with listening to that artist. To each their own. Let's not get bogged down in debating what is and isn't embarrassing/guilt-inducing. NO ONE is going to have the same opinion on that, so leave it at that.
Payphone by Maroon 5 I usually don't like mainstream pop but this song isn't too bad. Although they really didn't need that Wiz Khalifa dude
^ yeah this, dude. I will say though that I agree that Eminem is a great rapper and JT is a great singer (alright actor as well haha), and I don't feel guilty about listening to them - I mostly just posted music that's more popular or generic that's odd for me to like considering: what I usually consider 'good', what the people around me listen to and what most people would expect me to listen to. And 'best pop artist' and 'biggest selling' are nowhere near compliments for me, sorry ahah. Yeah I really like old FATA as well even though I only got into them when their last album came out haha. The whole sound of the period just brings back good memories for me considering that was one of the first kinds of music I really got into. The first few tracks off 'The Fiction We Live' are so good at that.
Lol this, but the music is dreadfully stereotypical, slutty, pop star. It's aweful. Love the song though.
I don't feel "guilty" for anything I listen to it because I like what I like and I'm not ashamed of it. There are a few artists/songs though that I sometimes listen to that I would get made fun of for like Ke$ha haha. Also, someone mentioned "Incomplete" by Backstreet Boys....that song is awesome!
Flying Steps - We are Electric :O [video=youtube;SEdreF32b90][/video]
Dude, I think this is the first time that I agree with everything you said in a single post. Good stuff!
The entire Tha Carter III CD. I hate YMCMB (each and every member of it) with a passion but I just love this CD.
Neon Trees - Animal Tons of Rihanna. Ke$ha - Blah Blah Blah Also, I love Shakira, but I don't have guilt for listening to her. Same with Beyoncé.
[video=youtube;k18WlaaTaLU]![/video] [video=youtube;luwAMFcc2f8][/video]
Bad band. Annoying songs. Douchebag singer. Ah, to be 12 again and not care about that kind of stuff.
Post-Pinkerton Weezer, I guess. A good chunk of it is pretty awful, but they have written some damn-fine pop songs in that time frame.