:chemist: anyways, so yeah, the chat with sean dowdell last night, was fun!! i had to bolt right after he answered my questions tho, and didnt get to see the rest of the chat. i was in there as well hmm.. first greydazerules, then xdeltax and when people started asking me if i was boris i switched to notdelta, it was a a cool answer that i got, and im glad he was able to answer mine. i think it was cool that you guys got him in here for us.. that was hella cool haha but anyways im in school right now and unfourtunatly i have to go. and wow this writing area here is cool. it has my tat on in.. dope! well catch ya later!! ps these smiles kick ass Rochelle
yep the chat was immense, i wasnt watching half the time cuz my friend came to the door asking me to come out at 2am! can u beleive him! anyways im gonna read this transcript if i can
The chat was so big and so full of text unrelated to the chat, that it's gonna take more then a day to edit it all out. Will started on it yesterday and got halfway through. Expect the transcript later today or earlier tommorrow. Thanks to all who came, Sean LOVED the chat.
To be honest, it may be closer to the end of the week before the transcript gets uploaded. I've been editing it quite a lot and formatting it so that it doesn't look so hectic. I'm trying to make it look like this: Q: <question> (<person who asked>) A: <answer> I'm getting ready of all the B.S. in between questions and stuff, so expect it by Friday if I don't get done by Thursday.
Oh, he did? Thats awesome The chat kicked. Hey Will....maybe you should post some things that were said before Sean got there...lmao half the fourm members would be scared away.... Lyn
yeah, it was fun! you guys should try to do more stuff like that. lol i wish i could!! it was fun stuff.. and these smilies are so awesome.. lol i use mike all the time obviously cuz hes my favorite!! haha but yeah it sure was a good time