Like stated below, The Beatles & NIN are completely different ends of the musical spectrum, and it managed to sound good. I'd imagine the NIN & Beatles one would sound alot better if it was done by a professional though. I'll give anything a try once.
Yeah, Ludacris completely ruined that show. I hope this doesn't happen. MTV mashups suck. I might like the individual songs like on Collision Course, but they aren't mixed together well at all.
If you can't handle seeing your favorite artist in a different light, flip the switch. [/b][/quote] I never said I couldn't handle it Its just that Green Day are doing so well at the moment and I'd be afraid if a Mash up would stop that. Green Day aren't my favorite favorite band,of course LP are
A simple mash-up cannot wreck one's career. It's just not possible. I'd say, wait and see if it happens. If it does, listen to it, and then make judgments on it. I don't believe in making empty judgments when you haven't even heard the material. It's not even confirmed to happen yet. I think it could work. I mean, seriously. If Jay-Z & The Beatles can get mashed up and managed to be one of the best Mash-Ups ever, then I'm sure Green Day & Ludacris won't be too shabby.
I'm actually looking forward to this. The Sum41/Ludacris thing was sweet, hopefully this will be just as good if not better.
i dont like the sound of a green day, ludacris mash up. i dont think they would all. but i didnt think Jay-Z and LP would flow either so i dont know what to expect.
green day and ludacris...that sounds really bad.... but then again, i liked the sum 41/ludacris colaberation on SNL
well i was really hesitant on linkin park and jayz teaming up but i got theyre cd and it was REALLY good, I think, For what material they had from jayz they did awesome. But thats just me. Personally greenday had NEVER put out a bad song that ive heard anywayz. So i am looking forward to it I think theyll do us proud
Oh Dear Lord... I can't wait to hear a "Good Riddance vs. Get Back" mash-up though. Those acoustic guitars with the words "I Came, I Saw, I hit 'em right dead in the jaw" blasting over them.
I heard somthing on the radio the other day that they might be planning a Sum-41 Kudacris mash-up. Since theri performance on SNL went over so well. Either way if they wanted to do this i would definitely check it out Green Day can hold their own.