Disregard my last post...I just listened to M2M today. After one listen I heard 2 songs I really like; What I've Done and Bleed it Out. Hopefully I'll get into it like I did with What I've Done (hated it at first lol). What's with Mike only being on 3 songs? The one where he sings is awful IMO and that political one is crap. If I want to hear political music, I'll listen to Green Day. They do it good at least.
Mike raps better? He raps in what, 2 songs? And he recycles an old LP line, the most infamous one too: "doesn't matter how hard i try." Womp womp. I can sit back and let you say you like this album, but telling me it's your favorite LP release? I will pay for your head exam.
The way he raps on Bleed it Out is very good. Too bad he couldn't have done it on at least 5 more songs from the album. Hopefully LP will realize what they've done (lol) and get started on another album when this tour's over. A good album, taking all their experience and their style together and making something great. Not something that many fans will hate.
Bleed It Out is no where as good as his other two songs. Yeah it's much more upbeat and "happier," the real message isn't there. The other two songs he sings in have emotion and something that bothers him deeply. Those mean much more than Bleed It Out's lyrics and style. If you listen hard, Bleed It Out is much like Faint. At least to me it is. Of course it's a difficult rap, but it really is more like the old stuff in the way that it's more metaphorical than the rest of the tracks on the album. They are much more concrete. Allowing that is what opens up the emotion and the true genious to the lyric writing.
Here Here! I loved the old LP, and the first time I heard MTM I was like but then I listened to it a couple more times and it's a great album. I especially like "In Pieces" and "No More Sorrow"
The people that don't like the album, well that's your opinion. I think it's funny that some don't, and I do laugh, but you won't make me stop listening to it. This album is great, and I think it tops anything they've ever done before.