Graphic question

Discussion in 'Feedback & FAQ' started by Darth_Fuzzy, Mar 9, 2003.

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  1. #1

    Darth_Fuzzy Member

    Mar 9, 2003
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    Hey all, great site you have here. Love the way it looks. Just wondering if you guys could help me w/ something. I'm redesigning my site, WorldWideGameNet, and I was wondering what font you guys used in the graphics at the bottom of your page (i.e. FORUMS, CHAT ROOM, JOIN LP UNDERGROUND, NEWSLETTER...) anyhoo, if its a specific font, could oyu give me the name and I'll find it your could you tell me where to find it! Thanks.


    LP FOREVER!!!!
  2. #2

    Bryan Guest

    It wouldnt be very original to steal the font we use.
  3. #3

    Oblivion Guest

    If I am not mistaken they put 04b_03 or 04b_03 _at size 8. Every site uses it your not the first.......
  4. #4

    Will LPA Addicted VIP LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 25, 2002
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    We're not revealing any of the fonts we use.
  5. #5
    Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    You need to think of better, more polite ways to address that then like you just did.

    I'm offended because, we spend countless hours on our site, and the minute something goes wrong or someone sees something they dont like they get all rude about it.

    Take the mp3 section for instance. That happened because the man who was supplying us the FTP didnt renew his domain. Yet everyone takes it as OUR responsibility and acts rude about it not being up. It's not our fault this happened, and some people need to see that before they go ahead and harass us.

    We don't feel like supplying the fonts we use, because we take pride in our design and we dont wanna reveal EVERY little secret about what went into it. How would you like to spend months on a website only to have all your sites little secrets revealed so someone can rebuild your site to cater to thier needs? You wouldn't like it at all.

    I'm sorry but your post came off as REALLY cocky or smartass if you prefer and i didn't appreciate it.
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