Got Something You Want To Let Out?

Discussion in 'Serious Chat' started by Mechanical Christ, Aug 25, 2004.

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  1. Luke

    Luke Mind Your Manners. LPA Addicted VIP

    Jun 23, 2004
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    Dude I have to say well done,let that be a lesson to us dudes,never let a dame make you look like a fool.Well done Derek,I would have done exactly the same thing as you :thumbsup:
  2. $pvcxGhxztCasey

    $pvcxGhxztCasey meanwhile... LPA Addicted VIP

    Mar 14, 2003
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    Isn't Ashley the one you have a fight with every so often?
  3. Paul

    Paul The Ultimate Victory LPA Super Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Teresa: hey paul!!\
    Teresa: im iin greece ad im using my cuzins comp
    GrkMagas21: teresa?
    Teresa: guess who i met yesterday?!!
    Teresa: yea its me teresa
    GrkMagas21: who?
    Teresa: ur cusin meghan
    Teresa: who used 2 live in chi town
    GrkMagas21: yeah shes not really my cousin more like family friends
    GrkMagas21: but yea thats cool
    GrkMagas21: where did u meet her?
    Teresa: i was sooooooooo happy 2 talk 2 sumone that knew my friends
    Teresa: sooo how r u and chicago
    GrkMagas21: how did u meet her?
    Teresa: at a house party
    GrkMagas21: oh
    GrkMagas21: im leaving for the st. harrys party in like 30 mins
    Teresa: ugh but how is the picninc i heard dead
    GrkMagas21: on friday it was
    Teresa: yea wow omg any news????
    GrkMagas21: no
    GrkMagas21: teresa i dont know if u know but we
    GrkMagas21: we're not exactly friends
    Teresa: yea that wat i said bad terms
    GrkMagas21: since u called me and started bitching me and tony out because you were slutty enough to hook up with us
    Teresa: yea i know
    GrkMagas21: ok
    Teresa: im srry i was jus so excited that i met her and we had an awesome convo
    GrkMagas21: about wat
    GrkFrk118: i told her about the good memories we had soo it made me thinkalot
    GrkMagas21: oh
    Teresa: about the past n wat happened
    Teresa: im glad u were on that i toldu i saw her
    GrkMagas21: what good memories? like the time you pretended to be drunk at vivian's party and almost got me arrested?
    Teresa: and im srry all that shit had 2 happen b4 i left
    Teresa: I AM A DRAMAQUEEN lol
    GrkMagas21: yea you are
    Teresa: but i will change.....after alll this relaxation i will be sooo much calmer
    GrkMagas21: thats what u said last time
    Teresa: lol im in greece now
    Teresa: soo it will be so much diff
    GrkMagas21: yea you told me
    Teresa: like here no 1 argues and there is no drama i think im learning better how 2 handle myself
    GrkMagas21: ok
    GrkMagas21: More power to you

    Fucking bitch/slut/whore
  4. Canadian Joe

    Canadian Joe Bacon strips LPA Super VIP

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Excellent job, Derek...I'm thinking of writing something like this to a few people lately...just to get them to fuck the hell off before I come and kick their asses myself (all girls, by the way...people who do what Ashley did, and use me for my money, while pretending to like me, but never really listening when I'm RIGHT)...
  5. Casual D

    Casual D I WON'T BE YOUR CASUAL D. LPA Administrator

    Jul 13, 2002
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    Yeah she probably didn't know what to think when she read that letter. Bets are on that she didn't give a damn, but she probably never expected vunerable Derek to stick up for himself. Ashley never got her paws on my Money (I made sure of it), but she did act like she was listening to my advice with guys when she never really was getting it through to her head.

    I'll never forget how she said at the end (after splitting with John and before Ray) "You know sometimes I think you sound like a complete asshole, and then I realize you're right".

    Had to kill her to say that. And myspace says she did infact read that letter, so in the words of Kat: OLE!
  6. Matt

    Matt Official Ghost of the LPA LPA Super Member

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Nice. :thumbsup:

    I wonder if Jennifer really went through with running away with Sydney's family. She sounded serious. I'm just hoping she stays.
  7. Canadian Joe

    Canadian Joe Bacon strips LPA Super VIP

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Yeah she probably didn't know what to think when she read that letter. Bets are on that she didn't give a damn, but she probably never expected vunerable Derek to stick up for himself. Ashley never got her paws on my Money (I made sure of it), but she did act like she was listening to my advice with guys when she never really was getting it through to her head.

    I'll never forget how she said at the end (after splitting with John and before Ray) "You know sometimes I think you sound like a complete asshole, and then I realize you're right".

    Had to kill her to say that. And myspace says she did infact read that letter, so in the words of Kat: OLE! [/b][/quote]
    *high five*

    Yeah, it does kill 'em to admit it. That's why they (usually) just continue to treat you like shit...they're afraid to admit defeat. Idiots, if ya ask me... :rolleyes:

    I just got an email from the person I was talking about...pretending nothing ever happened, then asking me if I could pick her up a Drivenation T-shirt at their next show. Yeah right.
  8. Mechanical Christ

    Mechanical Christ Ein heißer Schrei LPA Super Member

    Mar 14, 2004
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    [To the harshest degree ever. I may not mean some of this/]

    Can somebody tell me WHAT THE FUCK is so .... interesting... about polygamy? Why is it that everyone around me keeps doing/ suggesting it?

    I was out with my girlfriend (Esther), and she met this boy...he's 13, we're 15..... and Esther squealed when we talked to him because he was into jrock like her and stuff, and that he cosplays and everything too. And stuff. And he had a 24 inch waist and was very pretty but that's not the point. She'd barely met him for 15 minutes and she was all "Can you please be my boyfriend?" and squealing and shit.... both Wayne (the boy) and I thought she was joking. She then later asked me on the bus whether I would mind if she had wayne as her boyfriend.....

    Later on msn we had a three way convo and she asked him again and he said that he didn't mind, he wasn't taken anyway.

    Before this incident, another good friend of mine (16 years old) wanted to get with Esther.


    And also - I was asleep during class.... I woke up but didn't open my eyes but I could hear the teacher and stuff.... then I heard Salmah (my best friend) say to Esther "Do you love her, or do you just like her strongly?" Esther said the latter. And she also said that it takes years or months to love somebody.

    What. The. Fuck.
    What the. Fucking. FUCK.

    Then why on msn did she say "....and that is why I love you" to Wayne after he said "GO YAOI!" (which Esther and I both love)

    I loved her. I swear. Cross my heart and hope to die, stick a switchblade in my eye. She was the only one I loved, could ever find love for in this rotten world. Besides my "mother", and my mentor 19.

    I really don't believe this.

    Why I can't I live my own life without all this shit? I'm a 15 year old girl who just wants to lead my life without all these fucking complications. I'm 15. I don't need to deal with shit like polygamy. Even most adults don't have to.

    ..... I want to become a fucking hermit. Human affairs do not interest me. I do not wish to involve myself in them anymore. I will and have faced it - I'm dead on the inside, there's no rescuing me, no one will ever truly love and I fucking give up.
  9. Anya

    Anya Lost LPA Super VIP

    Aug 20, 2003
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    None of my friends had treated me too nicely on my birthday.. none called, or even remembered. I think that's what made me sad this year, the fact that my friends weren't in it and that they no longer come see me now.

    I didn't really do anything on my birthday, I just wanted to see them and it didn't happen.
  10. Canadian Joe

    Canadian Joe Bacon strips LPA Super VIP

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Well happy birthday, Anya! If they won't say it, I sure as hell will...

  11. Kate

    Kate beat me senseless LPA Super Member

    Sep 24, 2003
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    Yup. This is awkward.

    I've developed feelings for my friend, who recently started dating a girl who treats him like dirt. He returns those feelings, thinks I'm sexy, but unfortunately this girlfriend of his would have a fit if he broke up with her because of me. Even though she's only dating him to get back at her ex.

    So I'm the only one not getting any action, and damn, sexual frustration sucks.
  12. Canadian Joe

    Canadian Joe Bacon strips LPA Super VIP

    Apr 11, 2004
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    Ah, sexual tension. It sucks, doesn't it?

    On to the point: He's dating her for revenge, eh? In that case, it's pretty clear that there isn't "true love" in the relationship (or maybe there is, this is just the Proko Analysis here) if I were you, wait for it to go supernova (shouldn't take long, if it really is just a revenge relationship), and maybe then things'll work out....

    Here's hoping :hugz:
  13. Kate

    Kate beat me senseless LPA Super Member

    Sep 24, 2003
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    Ah, sexual tension. It sucks, doesn't it?

    On to the point: He's dating her for revenge, eh? In that case, it's pretty clear that there isn't "true love" in the relationship (or maybe there is, this is just the Proko Analysis here) if I were you, wait for it to go supernova (shouldn't take long, if it really is just a revenge relationship), and maybe then things'll work out....

    Here's hoping :hugz: [/b][/quote]
    Things just went supernova.

    Now all I can do is wait.
  14. Paul

    Paul The Ultimate Victory LPA Super Member

    Nov 26, 2003
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    Stacie is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. Sure, we've only been going out for a week, but didn't make me feel like shit like Julie did. With most of my friends leaving for Greece this summer, its going to be great to be with Stacie all the time.
  15. a life in ashes

    a life in ashes mercury summer

    Jan 11, 2005
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    i'm really worried about one of my friends. all she does now is get stoned/drunk and she's reguarly self-harming, and talking about suicide. anyone know what I could possibly say to her to get her to stop...?
  16. JohnnyB

    JohnnyB Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Wow. That really sucks because it's one of those situations where if you say something to your friend regarding the issue, there will be a high chance of him/her freaking out saying "oh, I dont have a problem" and all that shit. If anything, they may stop being friends with you. All you can really do is keep an eye on them and see what happens. If it gets to the extreme (ie. actually attempting suicide) that's when you have to do something. It sucks, because like I said, you cant step in and say something, because and argument will break out. But if it was me, Id probably talk to them right now (even though Im contradicting myself, I know, I know) Anyway, I hope I helped. Good Luck!
  17. Leones

    Leones Super Member LPA Super Member

    Apr 13, 2004
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    <div align=center>[​IMG]</div>

    ..that's all.
  18. DiSiLLUSiON

    DiSiLLUSiON Ambient

    Oct 11, 2004
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    Instead of asking the question: "What is wrong with these people?", it might be more productive to ask the question: "Why do I think there's something wrong with these people?".

    Everybody lives their life in the way they want to. Or atleast, everybody should. Once in a while, a person's view on certain topics changes, and the resulting changes reverberate outwards into that person's convictions, changing the way they view and live their life.

    Other ways to live life isn't necasserily wrong, it's just different. Different can be scary sometimes, but it's infinitely more scary to be scared of it, if you understand what I'm saying. Acceptance looks harder then it really is.

    But, if I understand your post correctly (it's a bit confusing, to be honest), you love that girl, in a more then friendship way, and she picks someone, without loving that person, and does things you yourself wouldn't do outside of a relationship?

    If so, it might be prudent to accept that, and see if you still have the same feelings after accepting it. If so, then why not tell that person and thus taking away possible frustrations?

    My apologies if I interpreted your post incorrectly.
  19. Rachel

    Rachel look at my horse. LPA Super Member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    my girlfriend says she's going to kill herself.

    my ex-girlfriend isn't talking to me.

    i love someone, he's in love with me, but im in love with someone else.

    and i just cut again.
  20. the_king_of_all

    the_king_of_all LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    wow. the last 2 days have been really really shit. thursday i just sat around in constant pain. feeling like i had a steel spike driven through my shoulder and i broke my toe. besides that i guess thursday was cool. but yesterday... argh. someone i know has this picture who looks exactly like someone i know who is dead. she knows i don't like it. having to see it make me feel really really uncomfortable. she puts it in her msn DP a lot so when ever i open msn it's staring me right in the face. she usualy changes it if i ask her to. last night she wouldn't. that really really gets me when people don't do things to respect others wishes if they have a serious problem with it. i want crazy at her. i was really shaken u by it and she got me pissed off because i told her to leave me alone, she kept speaking to me (i have msn 7. every time i closed the convo and she spoke to me the alert would appear with the pic on. so i couldn't just ignore it.), i went crazy at her. maybe over reacted a bit but... yeah. then i had a conversation with this girl i really like... and she likes me. i think. but i think maybe i said a bit too much. i don't think she feels the same as i do. argh. this sucks.
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