Hey, I read in the newspaper that there is this other version of Google called Gizoogle. If you search up Vice President Dick Cheney, it will come up with Vizzy President Dizzle Cheney. Anyone hear about this?
Type in Linkin Park and the LPU link comes up as 'Linkin Pizzle Underground The Official C-L- to the-ubizzle' Or something like that.
It starts wit One th'n, I don’t kizzy why It doesn’t even matha how hard you try Keep tizzle in mind I designed this rhyme To explain due tizzle All I knizzow Time is a valuable thing Wiznatch it fly by as tha pendulum sw'n Watch it count D-to-tha-izzown ’-T-to-tha-izzill tha end of tha day Clock ticks life away It’s so unreal You didn’t look out below, Watch tha tizzle go right out tha window Tryn’ ta hold on Didn’t even know, I wasted it all Just ta watch you go I kizzle everyth'n inside And even though I tried It all fell apart Wizzle it’s meant ta be Wiznill, eventually be, A memory of a time, Wizzle I tried so hard n gots so far But in tha end, it doesn’t even matta... I had ta fall, ta loose it all... But in tha end, it doesn’t even matta... One th'n, I dizzay know why It doesn’t even wanna be gangsta how hard you try Keep thizzay in mind I designed this rhyme To remind me How I tried so hard... Dispite tha way you were steppin' me Act'n like I was pizzart of yo property Remember'n all tha times you fought wit me I’m surprised it gots so far Th'n aren’t tha way they wizzle before You wouldn’t even recognize me anymore Not thizzat you K-N-to-tha-izzew me biznack tizzle But it all comes biznack ta me In tha end... You kept chillin' inside And even though I tried it all fell apart What it meant ta be, wizzle Eventually, be a memory of a time Whizzen I tried so hard, And gots so far, But in tha end, it doesn’t even matta I had ta fizzay ta loose it all But in tha end, it doesn’t even motherfucka I’ve put mah trizzay in you Pushed as far, as I can go For all this There’s only one thing you should K-N-to-tha-izzow I’ve put mah trust, in you Pushed as far as I can go For all this There’s only one thing you should know... I tried so hiznard, And gots so fiznar, But in tha end, it doesn’t even ***** I had ta fall, ta loose it all, But in tha end, it doesn’t even poser