This is kind of a pointless thread. If I were to choose one though, No More Sorrow, since it has a cool intro, and the verses don't feel as hollow as Given Up's. Given Up feels like LP trying too hard.
Given Up. NMS sounds a tad too much like they were deliberately going for a "Hybrid Theory style" sound, Given Up sounded really fresh when it came out and actually still holds up today. As is 90% of what gets posted in here. When you think threads are dumb, the thing to do is let them die postless. Not bump them for the purpose of calling them shit.
Ooooh, a tough, tough one. Some of my favorites from that era. I honestly don't know. Maybe No More Sorrow.
Honestly, it depends on my mood. No More Sorrow has this darker theme to it while Given Up has this "fuck you" thing going on. I don't listen to either very much these days, but when I do, its slightly more so Given Up.
No More Sorrow all the fucking way. There's just such a sharp edge to the track, and that e-bow guitar is gloriously chilling. I really hope Brad goes back to that sound for another song down the road.
The lyrics are what make the difference for me, Given Up is more personal while I consider no more sorrow more political. I can't really feel much when I hear "thieves and hypocrites", versus the amazing bridge that is "put me out of my miserryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy". If I could only choose one to exist, I'd choose Given up for sure.
NMS is my fav heavy LP song, i love everything about it. GU is cool, but it doesnt have anything outstanding to me, except for the 18 sec scream
Both songs are my most favorites from MTM, but I think Given Up is better than NMS, it's a hard hitting punk like tune and the lyrics are more personal and relatable.
I've noticed something...why have you always gotta put people down all the time? Is it because you're part of the 'LPA Team' so you're better than everyone, or...? I do think this is kinda a pointless thread, but clearly there's people who want to take part in it, so just let them
Well ... I don't know. I just read through about six pages' worth of my own posts and I found no more than one or two posts in total that even came close to negative-for-negative's-sake, which I don't think is too bad so I have to say that I object to the idea that I "put people down all the time"
Given Up is a personal favorite of mine. I can really relate to those lyrics but they just depress me. The car keys, clapping, 17 second scream- I love everything above that song.
Really? I use to love No More Sorrow but now when I listen I feel there's just something missing to the song, I don't love either song but I think I prefer Given Up.
Given Up has cool riff and 17 second scream, but No More Sorrow has great lyrics and drums. Tough choice indeed. But I'll go with No More Sorrow.
Honestly, Tony, I have no idea what the dude is talking about... ~ "No More Sorrow" for me. What? "No More Sorrow" is NOTHING like Hybrid Theory.