Hey guys and girls. In the past week I've been on a few dates with this girl Alison and I really like her and now we have decided to be "girlfriend and boyfriend" lol. So neways this is my first real dating relationship. I was hoping that you guys could share some advice with me or anything cause I really like Alison and she's great and I want to keep her happy and I want our relationship to last. If you all have any advice or stories please share them.
Just be the best man you can be to her...if you really love this girl, show it to her and she'll love you back. It's one of the best feelings in the world, and I can say it saves lives sometimes...it has for me!
Well said PJ..Thats the best advice I think. Just do special things for her. Write her poetry, show her how much you care. Ya know? She'll love it. Its guarenteed. Works for me anyway. Peace
Make sure she tries to talk to you whenenver she has a problem...it may not happen all the time, but when it does...listen to her! Speaking of girlfriends and all, here's mine if anyone is interested
Hey man. I know where your coming from! Alison is a great girl I'm sure! As long as she knows how you feel, you should be fine. Remember, communication is key. If you communicate with her, that involves talking and listening, then you all will live "happily ever after" persay.
Dunno if this advice is a lil late or not but... Actually, I dont know if I should really be giving relationship advice seeing how I've only had one real relationship and it ended quickly. But it was kind of different circumstances than you'd think. Anyways, it kind of depends what kind of girl she is. If she's a hopeless romantic she might want to feel special, so just do little special things for her. If she's the independent time maybe try to let her do a lot of things on her own but not so much that she feels like she's neglecting you. Everyone expects something different. Just kind of figure out what kidn of girl she is and what she wants. Then try your best to make her happy.
Well guys I loved all your advice but sadly enough I never had time to put it to use ..... she just called me and said shes not ready for a serious relationship because her last one was long term and shes just not ready yet.... this has to be like the tenth time something like this has happened to me.... im about to give up on girls
Awwww, sorry. Don't give up on them though. You might try getting her through this time as a friend, and then make your move. Of course, I've never tried this so it's risky, if she hates you after taking my advice, I am not liable.
aww, I'm sorry. But you shouldn't give up on girls. Maybe don't give up on her. If she feels she's not ready maybe she will be in a while. Or, maybe she wont be, but you'll meet someone new. I know it sounds like corny "there's more fish in the sea" advice but it's true.
i'm sorry to hear that man! someday you will...and hey maybe you do have to give up for awhile...only to find "the one" soon after you do...happened to me, happened to a few of my friends!
i'm sorry to hear that but don't just give up on girls...i mean cmon it isn't the end or something.I'm sure you'll find someone you really love and someone who really loves you someday.These things happen very often ...believe me they do :angry: ..n it's frustrating too but when you finally meet that someone ...you'll realize that all the pain was really worth it
Voodoo, you'll never be alone on this one. I'm going through the same thing right now...in fact, in my case, she was driving it even deeper by bragging about how much better her new boyfriend was. She just got dumped though, and now I'm hearing all about how sad she is...being a good friend, I try to listen, but it's aggravating. I know I'll find someone for me, but so far, it's like my whole love life has been some sort of sick, cruel, coordinated joke. Sounds like what you're going through...we're all with you here...
no, dont give up on girls. we're not all like that. im sure she'll think it through, maybe she'll go back? just do your own thing for now, you know, everyday life. ok im getting myself confused. *rolls eyes*