From Zero Out Now | Release Day Thread

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Nov 15, 2024.

  1. #61

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Those are alright, I do like both :lol: but, for me, "Good Things Go" is so impactful, and that's a rare thing with me and LP songs.

    Keep thinking lately about how I believe Chester would have loved all of these songs
  2. #62

    Atticus Bullets lance the bravest lungs

    Jul 27, 2010
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    I didn't want to be the one to say it, but I keep thinking Chester would have loved the fuck out of this record.
    SuperSaiyan4Kev, Cely_lp and Andreina like this.
  3. #63

    101nemesis It's like I'm paranoid...or am I?

    Aug 31, 2010
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    Genuinely think "Good Things Go" is my favorite of the album.
    Its so catchy, the vocals from Mike and Em are fantastic. The melodies are fantastic. The rap from Mike at the bridge is perfectly placed.

    The production is top notch. I hope this becomes a single at some point and it does well.
    Tocaraca, -Kubo, Cely_lp and 2 others like this.
  4. #64

    juancpin Issho Ni

    Oct 31, 2024
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    It’s an extremely touchy song. Super deep.
    Tocaraca likes this.
  5. #65

    Deliveranze Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
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    Agree. Just like Nobody Can Save Me off OML, this song just resonates differently than any other track on the album. I will give credit where credits due in that I find their opening songs from LT-OML to be some of their best openings but I didn’t expect to love an LP closer like this one. Really feels emotionally resonant and accumulated the turbulence of the last 7 years into such a rollercoaster of a song. And I think it’s perfect all those feelings were compacted into 3 and a half minutes.
  6. #66

    Andreina Proud Venezuelan LP fan. LPA Contributor

    Dec 24, 2011
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    So as I keep listening more of the album, my vibe shifted a little bit here, I now think this is more of a Hunting Party song than LT. It kinda reminds me of Victimized in the sense of the shortness of the track, the loud drums and screams. But the guitar to me is straight out of THP now.

    Well, everyone agrees this is an incredible song. As it sinks in on me, it just transmits that emotion, especially the anguish during Mike's bridge. It sounds so conflicted, almost like desperate, and wow, when the last chorus hits it's just like stormy waves crashing on a rocky beach, it hits you like a train. So compelling, so powerful. I don't think any other band or musician moves me like this.
    Deliveranze likes this.
  7. #67

    Shadow The Evil That Men Do.. LPA VIP

    Feb 18, 2003
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    You never cease to surprise me blue hedgehog, your adventuring days are coming to an end. See you December 20th.


    Joking aside, I agree with your opinion for Meteora as well.
    I retract my original score. Upgrade to 4.5/10, reheard the entire album on my Marantz NR1711 on Multi Channel Stereo with Amazon Music HD @ 24bit 48hz, I was "impressed" with the new styles they introduced here.

    Most noticeable in Staind and Good Things Go. I'd like to see more of this "Linkin Park 2.0". It's fresh, just sucks I can't say the same for rest for the album.
    Additionally, the reason I added the audio where I listened to this, is because I extremely enjoyed Stained, and the mastering on this song (and some of the album) is heavily compressed and acts more as noise than actual sound.
    Given, Linkin Park is notorious for jam packing the track with alot of elements, by far this album is the least digestible of all of them. The second in the running with this is issue is the "The Hunting Party".
    101nemesis and Sønic like this.
  8. #68
    Serious Dave

    Serious Dave Fighter of the Nightman

    May 25, 2012
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    Mike's flow on Good Things Go is genuinely so impressive, how seamlessly he switches between singing and rapping throughout the whole song, I think it might be his best performance yet. Emily sounds amazing in this song by Mike steals the show for me, he sounds so confident and passionate.
    Tocaraca, Cely_lp and Deliveranze like this.
  9. #69

    Iopia Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
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    After 2-3 listens (trying not to burn out on it!), my favourites of the new songs are Overflow and Good Things Go. Overflow gave me genuine goosebumps on first listen.

    Of course everyone's going to be talking about Emily and how she fits into the band, but the main thing that stands out to me is just how many vocal parts Mike has. I reckon he has more vocals on From Zero than any previous LP record, at least relative to the album's short run-time. Which is fantastic - I've always loved his voice and I love how it's used across the album. I love the constant interplay between Mike and Emily on almost every song. And I love how Mike uses his voice in so many different ways we've never heard before.
    Qwerty19 likes this.
  10. #70

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    Just ripped the CD and there's a couple of seconds of silence at the end of "Good Things Go", so I'll be sticking w/ my digital edition instead :closedeye
  11. #71

    SuperSaiyan4Kev Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2003
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    I wholeheartedly agree with you. Chester is smiling. :fedora:
  12. #72

    ScatterMatter Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
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    Okay okay okay. I’ve listened front to back at least 10 times now and I’m feeling like it’s time to entertain why FZ is also imperfect for me at the same time. Because, I think it’s inherently going to be experienced two ways. Contextually! And isolated, slowly over time.

    This is what I’m thinking after really squeezing it for the past four days.

    … I wish there was a little more variety in subject matter. That’s all. CTB, TF, Stained, and IGYEIH all sound like the same type of confrontation with the same type of person to me.

    I think that’s it, literally. Aside from extremely minor things, like being juked by Overflow and feeling iffy about Mike’s line on IGYEIH. Oh, and CTB also feels tonally confused, like BID. I love contrasting message and sound!, but despite that something about it has me leaning confused. I think those raps on it are so fantastic that it makes up for it, though. So, this feeling might go away.

    That’s my 9/10 thoughts.
  13. #73

    Migueltorres Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    The album is GREAT, it's like a recap of the band's careeer so far. Very comparable to Living Things in the way it combines different eras (nu metal revival, more electro pop stuff, heavy as fuck punky songs, ballads, experiments...). Solid record, welcome back LP! Fav songs: Overflow, TEM, CTB, GTG. For me Stained is kinda least fav because of these 2010 Rihanna bvibes in the chorus. Really sold record tho
    Qwerty19 likes this.
  14. #74

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    Couple of things that came to mind in the last few days.

    The album is both among their catchiest work to date, but it is also a grower. The short length of the songs is actually deceiving. The attention to detail is pretty high, and almost every song has variations between verses and between choruses. There are melody changes, introductions of sonic elements, removals of sonic elements, new harmonies—it is all very fluid and constantly evolving.

    Reaction-wise, one thing I have noticed is that, as a true LP album, its crossover appeal will probably be both its biggest strength and weakness :lol: It has something for everyone. That also means it never fully commits to one crowd. The less positive reactions I've come across (not specifically here) often stem from that: not nu-metal enough for some, not experimental/out-there enough for others.

    To me, that is where Linkin Park's uniqueness stands. Linkin Park is not a metal band, and there are enough bands that do metal well. LP is not a jam band. It is not a pop band, nor an electronic collective. It is not the most experimental outlet out there. All in all, Linkin Park is a rock-ish band that mostly functions as a hip-hop production team. It excels at mixing genres, dynamics, and vocal approaches, within and between songs, while crafting poppy, catchy tunes that easily connect with people.

    And there are very few bands that do it this well. To me, From Zero is a rock record that doesn't care about being rock 'n' roll. It doesn't try to be a copy-cat of the past, and it doesn't try too hard to be different. It just mix stuff. And this is one of the best compliments I could give it.
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2024
  15. #75

    warriorathlete21 Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    Interested to see sales wise where this lands.

    This band has an incredible amount of staying power.

    So glad they’re back.
  16. #76

    Ndixon Member

    Nov 14, 2024
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    Now that is what I’m talking about! As dope as the album is, I feel like it’s still just a teaser for what’s to come. FZ is like a cure for the itch

    Wow such an incredible description of the band! I wholeheartedly agree . When your first 2 albums cater to folks from a particular genre it only makes sense that an album such as MTM and all those that has come thereafter has left many to be divisive to say the least.

    Hope it’s ok for me to post this on here but just wanted to share the Melons thoughts for those who are interested. cracking up at how he views Overflow and GTG as Hamilton theatrics….which was not a compliment for anyone wondering
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 19, 2024
    Qwerty19 likes this.
  17. #77

    Migueltorres Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    Hope it’s ok for me to post this on here but just wanted to share the Melons thoughts for those who are interested. cracking up at how he views Overflow and GTG as Hamilton theatrics….which was not a compliment for anyone wondering[/QUOTE]
    It's so weird how he views the band, like, he basically acts like the Meteora era rap rock songs are their only good songs... he liked Fighting Myself and Two Faced and HITC and values GTG and Overflow as the weakest songs of the record
  18. #78

    juancpin Issho Ni

    Oct 31, 2024
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    About this, It reminds me a lot of Doomtree (not in the style, but in the process). They're a collective, they do mostly Hip Hop, but they throw in some other genres that fit so well. With the passing of the days, the album is growing and growing and both Casualty and Stained are ends between the band excels in every range, from the rawest to the poppiest.
  19. #79

    Migueltorres Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2016
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    I LOVE the variety on therecord, it's their wildest album since LT, THP was almost all heavy and OML was a pop album 100%, but here you go from alt pop (Stained, OEO) to trash/punky stuff (Casualty) to radio rock (TEM) to grungy stuff (IGYEIH) to straight up nu metal revival (HITC and TF), in just 32 minutes. I love that
    Ndixon, Qwerty19 and juancpin like this.
  20. #80

    juancpin Issho Ni

    Oct 31, 2024
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    Last edited: Nov 21, 2024

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