From Zero Out Now | Release Day Thread

Discussion in 'News' started by Joeverflow, Nov 15, 2024.

  1. #21

    ScatterMatter Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
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    There’s a lot I could say and maybe I will with more time to organize my writing, because I’m painfully bad at that, but I wanted to participate in the warmth on the debut of the full release of this incredible turn of events…

    In its fullest context, as a celebration of what was and what might still be, this album is a soaring 10/10 for me.

    It helps that even isolated and forcing critique out of my bias, it’s easily 9/10.

    So glad to be sharing this experience again and it’s been nice getting to know this place better than ever before, seeing it so ghostly in the lead up to September to now.
    -Kubo, Qwerty19 and Christøffer like this.
  2. #22

    Cely_lp Well-Known Member

    Mar 26, 2012
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    This a 100%. I've been crying all day long...a lot of happy triggers, like the opposite of grief, just waves of happiness out of nowhere. It's nice to feel whole again.
  3. #23

    AThousandLivingThings Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2017
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    I can't really express how much LP being back and this album mean to me. In 2017, two months before we lost Chester, a member of my direct family also took his life. Over the last few years I've been able to go from totally broken to feeling nothing to being okay. This year was the first time I've actually been feeling happy and light-hearted on many days again and suddenly LP announces it's comeback... It totally feels like a part of my life that was gone and is now back, which fits so well to many feelings I'm feeling this year. Thank you LP for being back! ❤️
    -Kubo, Andreina, Qwerty19 and 3 others like this.
  4. #24
    Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    So, I’m trying to collect my thoughts on this record after a few listens, and I have to say:

    With the release of The Emptiness Machine, I was already pulled in, but the release of Heavy is the Crown showed me that I was in for a ride. Over Each Other on the other hand, showed me that we’d also get the softer side of things, which, in my opinion, is just as important as the energized tracks.

    With the pre-listening party, some tracks definitely hit me like a truck during the first listen, especially Cut the Bridge. The drums and melody kicking in, along with that catchy chorus, made it clear that I’d have a new favorite for at least a few weeks. I’m glad they didn’t cut the bridge here because it’s really nice and atmospheric.

    Over Each Other hits even better within the album context and adds some nice variety to the sound of the album.

    Casualty was a huge surprise. I didn’t expect it to sound like this — kind of a mix between Hit the Floor, War, and Victimized. I’m really glad to have another punk-like song on the album.
    Overflow is definitely the weirdest track on the album. I’ll need a few more listens before I can place it somewhere in their discography. It’s really hard to define right now.

    Two Faced grew on me, especially after watching the video, as others have already mentioned. Seeing them have so much fun just makes us smile. The energy definitely helps, too.

    was also one of the songs at the listening party where I thought, "God DAMN Emily, you sound so beautiful." Mike’s verses kind of remind me of some of his solo stuff, which isn’t bad, but that chorus is pure magic.

    IGYEIH is probably my least favorite track for now, but it’s not bad. I just think it doesn’t stand out as much compared to the other tracks.

    Good Things GO — OH MY GOD. It’s such a beautiful closer. The way Mike and Emily play off each other here is amazing, and that chorus really hits in the feels, especially when she goes higher and higher.

    It just goes to show again that this band is something special to me because they pulled me in again without any problems. It’s not genre-defining, but that’s not the point. The band shows once again that they can create songs that reach people on so many different levels.

    I think I’ll need a few days or weeks to really place this album in their discography, but until then, I’m going to enjoy it as much as I can.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2024
  5. #25

    Ndixon Member

    Nov 14, 2024
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    Simply put the album is a great return as well as a phenomenal reintroduction. I have a few random thoughts I want to add:

    • Wish From Zero (Intro) was extended. Love the haunting vocals and you can just imagine the track being longer. Other tracks can benefit from being a tad extended too in parts imo like OVE and Casualty to name a few. LP shines brightest with longer track lengths imo.
    • Emily and Colin are truly special and are such a treat and welcome addition to the band. The drumming on Cut The Bridge, Casulty and IGYEIH are my favorites of Colin and Emily’s vocals are stunning throughout especially on Overflow and Good Things Go which are tied for my fav tracks off the album.
    • The album touches every era of LP. As a reintroduction I’m not mad at it and it makes sense. Moving forward hopefully they continue to push boundaries and dig deep within the tool box and leave such comparisons behind… I love them but I’m looking at you HITC and Two Faced.
    • After hearing the album in full it makes you just want to hear more and for me, I want to hear more of Emily! Curious on checking out Dead Sara. But for the next project would love for Emily to take even more of the lead kinda like how Chester took on majority of vocal duties on MTM with Mike rapping on 2 tracks and singing on 1 and then doing back vocals. Nothing against Mike but would love to hear even more of Emily’s vocals. It’s been said but they truly do sing great together, Emily and Mike.
    • A few have said that songs remind them of tracks from OML, such as OVE and Stained and I get it cause they lean more into pop but I don’t care much for OML but these I like quite a bit. If the band returns to pop I wouldn’t mind it if it’s in the vein as the tracks on FZ
    Last thing I’m happy to see so much positivity with this album as a whole with fans. Can’t remember when that’s ever happened with a LP album … their album releases are usually drowning in nauseating divisiveness and hate
  6. #26

    Fury99 4EVER LP

    Apr 16, 2012
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    Just listened to the full album and wow what a comeback. It's so different but familiar at the same time. Mike and Emily really work very well together. My opinions after one listen:
    • Overflow, Good Things Go and Cut The Bridge stood out to me the most.
    • Overflow is my favorite right now (always been a fan of the very experimental LP tracks). I definitely got lost in the euphoria of this track and I even said "Good god" after when it was over.
    • Good Things Go is a powerful and beautiful closer to say the least, similar to Powerless. The most melodic track on the album for sure for me.
    • Cut The Bridge to me seemed simplistic but it has a vibe that drew me in definitely. Big fan of the percussion in this song. Colin is an awesome addition to LP.
    • Stained had the pop feel people have talked about and it was a very solid anthem and could be a single.
    • Two Faced and IGYEIH sounded typical LP that we know and love. Emily definitely got them vocal cords and Mike gelled really well with these two tracks. Missed the scratching from Mr. Hahn by the way!
    • Casualty kinda felt uneven in a good way. Probably gonna be a "grower" track for me but it's definitely a punch in the mouth type of track. Mike's vocals were gnarly, which is a definite plus
    Overall, very solid album and a very good way to get back into the fold of music. Very happy about this album and glad I waited out until the full release instead of giving in to the leaks.
    Andreina and Ndixon like this.
  7. #27

    juancpin Issho Ni

    Oct 31, 2024
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    Beautiful words.
    Ndixon and Christøffer like this.
  8. #28

    Sasuke Modern Prog enjoyer LPA Super Member

    May 22, 2012
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    Can't say I'm super crazy about this album, but it's like the perfect comeback album of collection of things they're known for. Here are more thoughts, I'm lazy to copy-paste lol.

    The fact that they're back again and looking happier than ever is probably more exciting for me.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2024
    Tocaraca, Cely_lp and Christøffer like this.
  9. #29

    Sønic Searching for the last Chaos Emerald... LPA Super Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    Okay, it's my turn.


    I'm not going to rank these songs individually. At the very least, I like all of them. Naturally, I love some more than others. The music and sounds on the album have not connected with my heart as of yet. I don't know every lyric and it's going to take me a while before I can confidently belt each song to myself in my car, alone, at 37 years old.

    What has connected to my heart is this band. It's like falling in love again. See, back in 2017, we all lost a lot. For every single one of us it meant for different reasons, but yet, the same. For me personally, when Chester died, my then-wife was 7 months pregnant and we were expecting our first little girl.

    Since then, it's been kind of rough. Raising my daughter has been awesome but I'm afraid at some point my marriage paid the price. She is 7 now, and as she grew during that time I never stopped listening to Linkin Park. Naturally, she grew to like some of their songs as well and started asking questions, and she asked when new music was coming out. This was even before the Jay Gordon slip up, and I had to explain to her that the man that was singing has died because he was sick, so there wasn't a guarantee new music would ever come.

    Around this time I nearly lost my own life in January in an accident. I was pedestrian hit by a truck on the highway. My daughter and I bonded during that time. My wife had simultaneously kicked me out of the house, filed for divorce and immediately replaced me. I was laid up, broken, broke, lost my wife and my best friend and shattered. I started to heal up, worked on myself, lost weight and got back to work.

    Then the news started rumbling, and I kept her in the loop, but as everyone else, we were still unsure. Then it happened, and I was so excited that the band I love was coming back, there for me as my marriage was ending, and still in the process. I was driving to my daughter's soccer practice as the live stream was happening and when they played The Emptiness Machine. I FELT it all over again. I was so excited for this band to return and I had my daughter to share it with.

    We learned the song. I do Mike, she does Emily. It's fucking awesome. I'm going to get tickets and "see them on stage" as she puts it in Philadelphia.

    There were times where I didn't want to be here anymore. I thought about it over and over again but my daughter kept me in it, and honestly, the hope of this band returning did as well. And now we're here.

    Thanks for reading if you have. This era and time in my life of recovery means a lot to me. And there they are, Linkin Park. I'm just grateful that they're back. I never stopped checking the LPA from time to time, like a dude poking something with a stick waiting for it to do something. I've been a member here for 20 years and I'm glad this place wasn't archived.

    Love this place.
    Keep forums alive.
  10. #30

    Mitch Turning from a white sky to a black hole

    Dec 13, 2005
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    Wow. Well said mate, super personal. Thanks for sharing. I'm glad you get to have a memorable experience with your daughter.
    Tocaraca likes this.
  11. #31
    Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    Are you sure?
  12. #32

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Deleted, not my fault you formatted that paragraph without a line break :lol:
  13. #33
    Wasabi GOD

    Wasabi GOD Praise Brad Delson, our Lord and Savior. LPA Addict

    Apr 29, 2014
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    yeah i just realized it.
  14. #34

    Jayhov Well-Known Member

    Nov 22, 2009
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    Have to say, this was a good comeback album.
  15. #35

    Atticus Bullets lance the bravest lungs

    Jul 27, 2010
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    I'm still finding the words for this record. But I just spun it on vinyl for the first time and the catharsis was palpable.

    Over the journey of seven records, and an unfathomable, seemingly insurmountable loss, the millennials that grew up with you that were desperately trying to find a voice to scream have finally found that voice. And now with From Zero a new generation can fall in love with your magic all over again.

    Thank you Linkin Park.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2024
  16. #36

    LPFan8990 Active Member

    May 14, 2017
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    Absolutely Agree about the album being a NO SKIP/NO FILLER album! My absolute 5 favorites so far on the album are Two Faced, Casualty, Stained, Cut The Bridge and The Emptiness Machine. I love it as a whole but Two Faced and Casualty have had MULTIPLE listens today! IGYEIH is becoming another close favorite for me, Good Things Go is great as well. Cut The Bridge to me feels like a BIO sequel, especially with the rhythm and groove. Overflow is Great as well. Heavy is The Crown along with TEM and Over Each Other are all stuck in my head completely since their releases
    Andreina likes this.
  17. #37

    warriorathlete21 Well-Known Member

    Apr 5, 2012
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    I’ll offer my full thoughts in a day or two after I’ve fully processed all of it.

    but, Jesus f^cking Christ..

    I cannot get the song Stained out of my head.
    Tocaraca likes this.
  18. #38

    Hybridora Well-Known Member

    May 3, 2007
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    My turn, and I have a bit to say!

    I tried to see Linkin Park live three different times. The first time in Sacramento California after MTM, I couldn't come up with the money in time and couldn't go. Apparently from my friends that were able to go, they announced during the show that they were all sick. Ultimately the show was apparently only "OK, but still good considering they were all ill".
    I tried again in 2014 when I entered an active competition (not a raffle), and got 1st place which got me tickets, a vinyl, and a shirt for The Hunting Party tour they were on. Two shows before mine, Chester broke his ankle, and the show was cancelled.
    I tried again when I bought tickets to see "Blinkin Park"; Citi Field, Flushing, NY Fri, Jul 28 2017 - 6:00 PM

    Chester My Hero. It never worked out.

    I got the opportunity to get tickets to see Mike during one of his earlier shows for Post Traumatic at a small show in NYC. I took a major long-travel bus down from upstate NY early AM, to get down to NYC in time to see the show. It's a bus company I had taken down from update for years without issue. The entire time I was on the bus I felt like something would go wrong, because nothing had yet proved me wrong. When we stopped at a rest stop, the bus wouldn't start up. I was stuck at a rest stop that was halfway there for two hours (with only a couple hours to go at this point before the show started). A different traveling bus company pulled into the rest stop, and I asked the driver where he was headed. He told me spot in NYC (a couple miles from where the show was going to be). I asked him how much in cash it would cost me to get on his bus. He gave me a number, and I used the rest stops ATM, pulled out the cold-hard-cash, and was on my way to NYC. I made the show, and it was amazing. And as far as I could figure, the closest, most intimate "Linkin Park Show" I would ever have the privilege of attending.

    I got "Lucky" as I got to be one of the ones picked for the LA show. I put "Lucky" in quotes, because like everyone else there, we wished the show wasn't even necessary. So I finally after all these attempts, I got to see Linkin Park at their biggest moment since their original debut. But I also didn't get to.

    I just finished my first listen, and like I have done for most of their albums I only listened to one or two before the actual release. I stopped listening after HITC, and kept myself to only listening to that a couple times. I also stayed away from a lot of socials and haven't heard a second of a song off the album after that release.

    First and foremost if you have read this far (Thank You!), I want to say that Emily did an absolutely amazing job, and just like I was at the show where she was introduced, I am not worried. It takes some real surgical precision to do what Linkin Park did originally, and for the most part, I think they were able to achieve what they wanted to with this.
    I thought about talking about each song (or not), but it has taken me so long to get to this part after my first listen, that I am opting to not.

    What I would like to do is add some thoughts to some previous comments (I'm doing it the lazy copy paste way instead of quoting each one in-line, sorry!).

    minusxerø: I looked up the video after reading your comment about Two Faced.D Was a lot of fun! - Also, it was nice to meet you

    Minuteforce: Thanks for pointing to the visualizers!

    Cely_lp: After my first listen and hearing the last line, I too thought it was a message from the band to us fans as well, glad others seem to have had the same thought as well

    MKH: I kinda feel the same about "Overflow" or "Casualty", but I again, I've only listened once

    101nemesis: I kinda feel the same when it hit the end, I thought there was one or maybe two left! However, I told my friends like a month ago that I hope it feels "short", because "You gotta keep them wanting more". And I want more.

    Sønic: Thank you for sharing, I'm glad you are still here, but your daughter is even more

    Atticus: Here here! Also, was the vinyl your very first listen to the album?

    Derek: Thank you for LPA (and Omar as you mentioned!); I'm glad the lights are still on around here with somebody home - they look to not only increase in numbers, but get brighter again
  19. #39

    Qwerty19 LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Nov 21, 2011
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    One thing that's really evident on this record, is how present Mike is vocally.

    He's literally everywhere, singing, rapping, sing-rapping, harmonizing, and even... kind of yelling! :lol:

    That's really nice. It brings a fluidity and diversity to the sound. And it doesn't feel anymore like "ok, here is the Mike song".

    From Zero is a record that certainly feels like having 2 lead co-vocalists versus "The lead with the other one".
  20. #40

    minuteforce Danny's not here, Mrs. Torrance. LPA Team

    Oct 31, 2004
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    I've given the album a more focused listen and the only thing I would say I don't like is the chorus in "Stained"

    Also, I consider "Good Things Go" the best album closer the band has had since TLTGYA

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