So assuming he's really dead, I'm not gonna say good riddance or thank goodness he's dead. I'm just going to say the only way this man was ever going to die was alone and that's what happened.He earned the hate of a lot of people with his extremist views and in the end he tried to preach one last bit of love to his church and they turned him for it. Karma got him in the end I suppose.
What an evil, evil man. The world is now a better place. I can't decide if I would be happy if people picketed his funeral or sad if they stooped to the level of his organization. I will say, however, that I would like his family members to get a taste of their own medicine.
We also have to remember that this does not mean the end of the church. I'm sure they'll continue on with their disgraceful ways.
The best thing for us all to do is just forget about Fred Phelps and stop giving the WBC all the undeserved attention they get.
Call me a hippy, but damn... I'm happy he left with some love in his heart. I'd be saddened if his funeral were picketed, honestly. An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind.
Well.... Whoop? xD And I hope the church dies with him (I know it won't but yeah... One can only hope)
Now we sit back and watch hundreds of people try (or at least express a desire) to protest his own funeral, making them hypocrites for being offended when he did it to everyone else and thus giving him the last laugh from hell. UPDATE It's not hypocrisy when Slayer does it though!