Reminder for Filip and me: Bet: HELLO. is a new single by Fort Minor. Patrick says: Yes Filip says: No Loser needs to change his profile picture / avatar and signature to JUSTIN BIEBER.
I'm going to jump for joy when I hear a new song/album. I wonder if it'll meet or pass how I felt with GATS... Edit: Derek is obviously a main producer on the new FM album you guys...
Thank you, Based Shinoda. This is sooner than I thought. If they do play a new single, then hopefully it means an album isn't too far away. I'll take anything, I'm just happy to see FM back.
Thoughts: -Mike's instrumentals are almost always on point. I am not worried about this. -Mike's flow is nowhere near as consistent or "good" enough to warrant a solo rap album. -I hope Mike sings a lot more on this record. -I hope he puts out an instrumental version of the record, because that's usually golden for me.
I'm actually more excited about an FM album than I ever will be for a new LP album. So this is great news. Hip-hop has changed so much since 2006, so it would be really interesting to see what Mike will do this time around. When TRT came out, production-wise, it was such a breath of fresh air. I really hope he steps up his rapping and has a good batch of featured artists like last time.
Yeah, if he raps like the two raps we got on Recharged, we're golden. If he raps like he does on THP/LT, I'm worried. I honestly think that when he has his mind focused on rapping and not doing everything else that goes into an LP album, he'll be fine, that's my theory as to why the best raps we've gotten in the past 3-4 years are from a remix album, not studio albums. And we do know he can still rap fast, like when he did the verse from reading my eyes live, so it's just the writing. And I do think that when he gets a chance to concentrate more on rapping, the quality will improve. Either way, we can look forward to the instrumental. I somehow doubt he'll sing much, I would love if he sings, the more more the better, but I have a gut feeling that he'll just rap. Oh, and "Hello"? Considering that's what was tweeted yesterday, combined with that photo, that has to be a single, right?
Rapping well isn't just down to rapping fast. Look at Rap God, that song is fucking shit but Eminem raps at an incredible speed. Rapping isn't just about speaking fast. In some ways, it's as difficult as singing.
He's trolling us. If the accounts were fake, why would the official Linkin Park Facebook page share the Fort Minor photo? And why would Mike follow the supposed "fake" account?