This really surprised me, I thought the song would get eaten alive outside of the LP fanbase. I headed over there and they really liked it, I didn't see any "hurr durr LP sucks #2angsy5me" comments, which is rare. Damn that place is civil.
Fuck, that was good. The beat is fantastic, and I love seeing Mike trying out new flows. Lyrics aren't mind-blowing, but they fit the song well. If the whole album is like this, then I'm pre-ordering it. Hell, I'm pre-ordering it anyways. Thanks, Mike!
Well after seeing that letter, it seems like I was wrong about there being an album. It seems kinda pointless to put this much effort into releasing one song but oh well.
letter? what letter? I'm really confused, why do people say there will be no album? Isn't that really weird after all this hype? There must be an album. EDIT: Damnit, I've seen the letter... whyyyy... I'm so sad now. I need more than just one song.
Contrarily i've already read a really bad feedback in an important fan page of my country. Rock imprinting and the rest is shit kind of stuff so THP is great and FM is shit. They criticized lyrics, the synth (urticant and annoying) and almost everything on it acclaiming the THP flow type....i'm a bit speechless after reading this review because i think that the hip hop scene is so huge and heterogeneous (Just like all the music) that you can't appreciate the flow only because it's on a rock song base and it comes from your favourite artist. Anyway everyone have a respectable opinion so, peace
Just read the letter, damn. I'm still holding out for a new album, but this is a little discouraging. I don't get the point in hyping this up if it's just one song.
So he's bringing FM back for one song, and the first 6 lines are what they are? There has to be more..
That's exactly what I thought. The first verse is basically apologizing for leaving fans hanging after The Rising Tied and getting back into making FM material.
I stop checking this thread for a few hours and now I have no idea what the hell is going on. Can't seem to find any letters or new music everyone's talking about. There's definitely a new album coming November 24th.
The new song "Welcome" was leaked, as usual, no links are allowed here, but it's out there if you want it. He also included a letter talking about the song, which is also technically a leak and therefore isn't allowed here, but again shouldn't be too hard to get your hands on. I really hope we find out on Monday, I really, really want there to be more, all the signs are pointing to more, except for what Mike himself is saying. I'm worried, I was hyped for another album to tied tide me over until LP7.
The line "Let's take it out on another spin again" in particular is what makes me think there's much more. And it really makes no sense at all, especially when there's new merchandise to go with it. Combine that with the teasing and hype building up the last couple of days, there's definitely more than just one song.
I agree. It especially feels like that verse on the STB remix wouldn't be there if they didn't think there was a strong possibility of at least an EP or something. And considering all the stuff they've been putting out (Recharged, THP, Mall OST), Mike would have had to start with the Fort Minor stuff a while back to have it done this soon (or maybe it's not done). To be fair the merchandise does just saw "Welcome". Unless the name of the album is also welcome, there's no sign of it on the merch, so saying "he put out all this merch for one song?" isn't really meaningful. They had a shirt and stuff for Until It's Gone too, lol.
Because they've been flashing the date at every LP show when Mike raps his RTN verses. Maybe you can help me out now. Where is this letter and was Mike answering questions about all this or something? How did the song and letter leak at the same time?