I had this vid on my myspace page, but it went down or something. I guess I have to accept it or something somehow, right? Anyway, I thought this was awesome. I don't see why people have a problem with it.
As far as I'm concerned, Enth E nd is a Mike Shinoda track. In The End is a Linkin Park track, but I give credit for Enth E nd to Shinoda... he has every right to play it at FM shows.
I cant view it How is everyone viewing this, i clicked on the link and it wouldnt let me view the video please help me i would like to see this. I fricken love LP and FM. And clean out your message box
i've seen the video but now when i come to view it this message pops up "This is a private video. If you have been sent this video, please make sure you accept the sender's friend request." sounds like something has gone wrong/expired. i think a mirror would be useful or a new link maybe...