For those of you who have seen LP live...

Discussion in 'On Stage' started by hybridtheory_gc, Feb 20, 2005.

  1. #1

    hybridtheory_gc Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2005
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    Well, I'll start:

    LP's concert here was freakin' awesome. They really know how to put up a show.

    they played BTH live and did a cover of NIN's wish plus I got one of Rob's used Drum sticks!
  2. #2

    Evan™ HI! I'm Randy, I'm a Bandicoot Über Member

    Feb 17, 2005
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    the onli thing i got were sore ankles n some spit....but it was a great show......teh step up/its goin down/nobody lisenting was their best song i was in singapore.....mike called us crazy ppl coz i guy climbed on the stage......
  3. #3

    damotherofevil Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    well, in Thailand... they played BTH in slow version( mike play keyboard) that was a big surprise that they made for us and they gave an interview with my local channel.. and mike picked some japanese guy (half thai) to sing along with him on stage....
  4. #4

    Glenn Super Member LPA Super Member

    Jan 23, 2003
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    I saw LP on Jan 17 2004 in Worcester, MA. Although I could barely see the whole band, it was an awesome time! Before they did their encore, I got out of the stadium to beat the crowd, even though I still listened until the end.
  5. #5

    gozorninplat A Person

    Oct 6, 2004
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    At the concert I went to they played My December! I know they've done that a lot, but it's currently my favorite song, so it makes me feel special. And they played 19 songs, and most set lists that I see for them only have 17, so that made it feel even more special.
  6. #6

    TheChase Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2003
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    the show i went to just sucked. im sorry if i hurt anyones opinion, but it was horrible. i've seen so many live stuff before i actually caught them here in berlin (frat party DVD) and i knew that they really kick everyones ass on stage.

    but you know, chester was sick (and i think, without him the show wont work anyway). his left arm was broken (thats the arm he usually sings with), he was badly sheer in the face and thin. it was obviously not the way he looks like when he has fun. the setlist was the same as LIT, but the public enclosure during "a place for my head" was dumb. they wanted to crowd to scream along and disjointed the whole audience into two parts. now who is louder? bullshit, no one really cared of which side he is at. anyway, chester went nuts during the "go away" part which was nice, but right after that, he was in really scary condiotion. believe me.

    but i guess, the most scary fact is that the support groups (staind, adema, alien ant farm) were way more better than linkin park. word.
  7. #7
    Chris Luke

    Chris Luke LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 15, 2004
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    I've seen Linkin Park live to many times. The best one I've been to is a time between Projket Revolution 2004 and when they did The Street Soilder Tour at the Roseland Ballroom in 2001. The best part of the Roseland Ballroom show was the fact that Mike stage dived during And One. It was one of the most Kick ass moments in Linkin Park History.
  8. #8

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Is that the one that's on video? There's a bootleg video of them in NY in 2001... and Mike jumps into the crowd during And One.

    I've only seen them twice... the free LPU concert during the Meteora promotional thing and Meteora World Tour at the AA Center... At the free LPU concert it was my first concert ever (at the now closed Bronco Bowl) and I spent most of all of it in the pit. And I got up front too because everyone was like 1-2 feet taller than us and we couldn't see worth anything.

    At the Meteora World Tour, there was this annoying Indian couple right behind us singing loud, out of tune, and had no idea what the lyrics were. They kept on screaming "I want to be with you" over and over on every song. We wanted to punch them so bad.
  9. #9

    lpassailant Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2004
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    I foudn a few of chesters habits, he always says "promeesed by your face" in with you and he always says "associasheeyun" in runaway, atleadt, msot of the time. i'm lookign for more.
  10. #10
    Chris Luke

    Chris Luke LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 15, 2004
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    Is that the one that's on video? There's a bootleg video of them in NY in 2001... and Mike jumps into the crowd during And One. [/b][/quote]
    Yep. The funny thing is thats the one that I recorded. I recorded the show (I ran out of tape for One Step Closer) and sent one copy to my friend. He then used some program to split it then he started sending them out to other people. So if you have Linkin Park Live From New York City 02-21-01, you better thank me and my "excellent" recording skills. I also recorded Linkin Park Live In New York City 09-20-00.
  11. #11
    Sold My Soul To Yo Mama

    Sold My Soul To Yo Mama Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2005
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    I saw LP at last summers Projekt Revolution tour in Jones Beach, NY. They were good, but i thought they should had improved on some things. Brad messed up on some parts it was noticable plus the microphone didnt work for Snoop Dogg and Jon Davis when they came on stage for a performance with LP. I just thought it was hard for them to go on after Korn because Korn was really loud and heavy, and took a lot of energy out of the audience, people were going nuts for them. I actually think Korn sound better live than on a CD. Other than that LP did a good job and will get better playing live.
  12. #12

    minusxerø Overflow Supremacy LPA Addicted VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    Yep. The funny thing is thats the one that I recorded. I recorded the show (I ran out of tape for One Step Closer) and sent one copy to my friend. He then used some program to split it then he started sending them out to other people. So if you have Linkin Park Live From New York City 02-21-01, you better thank me and my "excellent" recording skills. I also recorded Linkin Park Live In New York City 09-20-00. [/b][/quote]
    I think you should know that there are some audio problems with your video... ha.

    Thanks, those vids are really good compared to some.
  13. #13
    Chris Luke

    Chris Luke LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    May 15, 2004
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    Yeah, I know. It's really bad during the Papercut Intro (Not The Song the I like the rock & rap part) and the Intro is just crapy. Plus I always got knoced over during a certain part. Same with the 09.20.00 show.
  14. #14

    GothEthical Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    :D I went to the Singapore gig... and it was wonderful experience. I was with my cousin and I am very excited. It was amazing. They mixed 3 songs into one : Step up, Nobody's Listening and high voltage. And They perform Nine inch nails song - "wish" that was nice song... At the end of the gig, My legs went wiggly as I was tired.

    So far, The guys were really amazing. They looked really cool!!! :D
  15. #15

    JJ [i cant spoll preply]: LPA Super VIP

    Aug 24, 2003
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    i have seen LP two times - both in manchester - and both in 2003. one was i march at the apollo and the second was in november where they played at the MEN arena.

    the apollo show wasnt too great. it was a couple of days before they released meteora, and the 'new' songs werent that good to be honest (live anyways) and on top of that chester had a broken arm like crowdsurfer said. they only played a few tracks as well. something along the lines of 12 to 15. still it was great to see them for the first time. another useless fact is that it was one of the first shows were dave had shaven his head - i could hardly recognise him!

    in the following months LP toured almost constantly with the 'Meteora World Tour' gaining experence playing the new meteora tracks.

    when the november gig came along my expectations werent too high. but LP put the show of their lives on in my opinion. they were truely awesome - playing 18 of all the classic LP tracks, along with some cool new interludes. the skills they had picked up over the months past from march certainly showed. this was the last leg of the tour and LP started experimenting around with different intros to most songs and they added a whole new verse to nobodys listening (which is the first verse on 'standing in the middle') it was most cool! it wasnt just the music that got me this time - it was the fact that the band interacted with the fans. mike and chester always kept on talking to us like we were their best friends or something (which they didnt do at the apollo gig) and i bet you guys are thinking yeh yeh yeh so what? but if you ever get chance and get hold of the bootleg you'll understand, they seemed really up for this show - and so were the crowd. i was fortunate enough to be at the front and when mike did the acapella (<--sp) for 'its going down' he was real close to me and my friend. he was looking at us two and we were rapping along with him, chester came over also and they both pointed at the group of people around us - but i like to think he was pointing at me and my friend kevin. for me that was the highlight of the night for me. all in all a great show ^_^
  16. #16

    ailuj Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    basically i can't remember much about the concert :( , but i remember that it is awesome n cool :lol: rocks!

    I hope to see them in concert again...
  17. #17

    spikeshinizle Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2005
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    I saw them in Melbourne Australia in 2003. I had been a fan for so long and to finally see them live was great. When Joe first appeared on the stage behind those turntables, man, I was over my head I felt every good emotion all at once I almost felt like crying! I know thats weird but being such a big fan it was crazy to be able to see them.

    I was at the very front of the crowd, Chester came down right near me during "a place for my head". My friend got to hold his hand to help balance him as he was leaning over the railing thing. It was great. I cant wait to see them again, they performed really well!! B)
  18. #18

    TheChase Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2003
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    i'm so jealous that chester was so up high at your live experiences with linkin park. when i got to see them back in september 2003, he was fucked. he was so sick. wish to see them again in fully good condition.

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