First Impressions?

Discussion in 'Linkin Park Chat' started by Gloomy Mushroom, Aug 24, 2011.

  1. #1
    Gloomy Mushroom

    Gloomy Mushroom Absolute Zero LPA Super VIP

    May 13, 2008
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    What were your first impressions of the band? Did you like them or hated them or couldn't give a toss about them?

    To be honest when I first heard One Step Closer I wasn't even interested in them until I reached my teenage angst years when Numb was released.
  2. #2

    Ree a female witch. LPA Administrator

    Jul 28, 2010
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    I first heard of them when Meteora came out, I was about 14 years old. Two of my best friends really liked LP and they were going through an "emo" phase so naturally I assumed LP were a band that emo kids listened too and I was a little apprehensive :lol:. I was more into rap, hiphop and R&B so rock/nu-metal was NOT my scene (it still isn't) but I knew the LP singles such as In The End, Numb, Faint etc.

    I saw the Breaking The Habit video on TV one day and I loved it. I downloaded a bunch of LP songs and listened to them now and again. I was a bigger JAY Z fan than an LP fan so I enjoyed Collision Course a lot. I started paying more attention to the band once MTM was released and I would say I became a pretty hardcore fan from 2008 which is still relatively n00bish I guess. :awesome:

    /End life story
  3. #3

    ZERØ LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    I first saw In The End video when I was about 12 and I liked it. Some time later I saw Papercut on MTV and my jaw was on the floor. I recorded it immediately on VHS and watched like 10 times a day until the tape broke. :awesome: It's still my favorite by them.
  4. #4

    Hybrid Has Gone Rogue. LPA Team

    Feb 4, 2011
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    The first time I heard the band, I didn't know they were Linkin Park. Technically, they weren't Linkin Park yet. I first heard them in the summer of 1999 when they were still known as Hybrid Theory. I was in a chat room for Korn, I think, and some guy who said he was Mike sent me a link and was all "check out my band." The music was pretty good, but it was one of those moments of 'Oh, it's just an independant band" and I didn't put much into it.

    The first time I heard One Step Closer in early to mid summer of 2000, I fell instantly in love with the song. I remembered I kept bugging the guy at my local rock shop about when he was going to be getting in any shirts from the new band, 'Linkin Park.' My bugging him worked because shortly after, they got shirts in!

    When Hybrid Theory came out, I remembered my narrow-minded self going "I don't know, there is a lot of rapping going on here..." Then I caught myself being brought back to it like a piece of steel to a magnet. Soon after, Metallica was replaced as my favorite band and my favorite band hasn't changed since.

    After really researching Linkin Park's tracks and earlier stuff, I remembered hearing the song "Carousel" from somewhere... I then put two and two together that the band that I brushed off as "Just another independant band" was actually my new favorite band. Total fangasm moment.
  5. #5

    Jadedjcbxnyc6981 Active Member

    Mar 15, 2011
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    It was my brother who introduced me to the video of Crawling. I was 20-21 yrs old and was always working, I didn't have time for to watch TV or listen to the radio, he recorded a whole bunch of videos that week and was like "tell me what you think of this" and he played the video. I was watching it and was like "yeah I like it, Who are they?" he told me it was Linkin Park and the name of the song was Crawling. My hubby (was my boyfriend) at the time bought "Hybrid Theory" and we listened to the album fully. He promised he'd make me a copy of the CD but never did so I bought my own copy, and I've been hooked ever since...Thanks lil bro for introducing me to LP, I owe him one lol.
  6. #6
    El Muerto

    El Muerto LPA Super Member LPA Super Member

    Mar 16, 2005
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    I started liking them since the first day I saw OSC video back in late 2000
  7. #7

    Benjamin LPA team LPA Super VIP

    Jun 18, 2010
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    My friend played In The End for me in 2007 and it instantly became my favorite song ever at the time. But for some reason it took me a while to look into all of LP's songs. I remember listening to HT in full for the first time and thinking it sounded awful. But eventually I had all of the HT-M2M songs and later on I got into the Underground. I think I really clicked with this band when I was watching the music video for 'Remember the Name' which was probably my favorite rap song at the time. When I was watching it I thought the lead guy looked a lot like Mike Shinoda. After a Wikipedia search I was like :awesome:.

    And Ree I didn't become a hardcore fan until about 2009. So I win.
  8. #8
    Super Sonic

    Super Sonic The Hedgehog LPA Super VIP

    Jul 28, 2010
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    This pretty much apart from i loved Hybrid Theory straight away.

    And i wasn't a hardcore fan until 2010, so i win. :p
  9. #9

    shok15 The unforgettable sound

    Jun 28, 2011
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    6 years ago i heard Papercut.
    i'm a hardcore fan since then.
    i didn;t have any impressions tho, they just grew into me.:)
  10. #10
    The Fortunate One

    The Fortunate One Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2011
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    I used to hear Numb and OSC on the radio but never gave them a second look until later. Then I started looking through all their albums and I noticed MTM was different. I was kind of amazed because I came to them thinking they'd be some One-Trick-Pony band but the change in sound gave them a kind of edge (I felt) no other band had. Been hooked on them ever since.
  11. #11

    Atticus Bullets lance the bravest lungs

    Jul 27, 2010
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    Ever since Meteora was released, I had enjoyed listening to their songs whenever they were played on the radio/TV, but at this point I hadn't found my musical tastes and preferences so I didn't really go beyond those listens. I didn't even know who the band was until Numb was played in the car on a long trip and I asked my mom who they were. She said Linkin Park. Even then, I could only associate this band with Numb.

    Finally in late 2006 I was surfing Youtube and stumbled on an AMV and I was hooked from the moment the synthesizers kicked in. The song was Papercut. I never researched who even played the song, but it sounded familiar, and I listened to it almost everyday on that video. Finally I found out it was Linkin Park who played it, and and found other songs to love like Breaking the Habit and Faint.

    Minutes to Midnight released and, like most fans, I wasn't too fond of the changes at first but overtime the album has become my favourite on a song by song basis. I've been hooked ever since.
  12. #12

    cradle Foreword LPA VIP

    Dec 15, 2006
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    When i first heard Crawling it gave me goosebumps but i was into hardcore metal then, I was actually afraid cause my peers would've teased me. I always listened to them on the radio had bootleg cds. Then I saw the Somewhere I Belong video along with the MTV 2 dollar bill concert. That was enough for me Linkin Park was hardcore, I bought Meteora right after. Now they are my favorite music artist to date. Still a Metal head Btw.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2011
  13. #13

    dereklp :Not here:

    Aug 19, 2010
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    Long story short.

    Jan 2000, AOL chat room. Talking about Taproot, some chick sent me some songs, I was like " their ok " kept returning to said chatroom and eventually she told me about LP releasing album soon. Found out she was original ST'er. Rest history.

    @hyrid. Pretty impressive to hear songs from the EP only a few months after it was released.
  14. #14

    Dj-Jay Active Member

    Jan 27, 2011
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    I heard in the end at my cousin's friend's house and I instantly fell in love with it..i spent like the next 3 days trying to figure out the name of the song because i forgot to ask..i guess it was the first time i heard rap/rock which was so intriguing to me..and even after i listened to other nu-metal/rap-rock bands i enjoyed linkin park the most..and as they changed, i did and things went smoothly :)
  15. #15

    Rocky Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2009
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    I didn't care about them at all, and hating hearing "Crawling" when there was a commercial on MTV that played it. I thought it sounded like noise. A few months later while homeless I had heard "In The End" on the radio. I thought it was dope. Eventually I heard "Crawling" in full and loved it. That station played like 4-5 LP songs regularly.

    My girlfriend had a cassette demo. She hated it and smashed it and threw it away, only to become a fan when they became huge lol
  16. #16

    Anne married to the ocean LPA VIP

    Sep 8, 2010
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    Probably I heard BTH or ITE somewhere before but didn't really care for the band. I can't really remember how I started liking them, although it was like 2008 or something, so not long ago, but I just really can't remember at all lol. It's weird, but I'm glad my 18 year old self somehow found it's way into LP's music!
  17. #17

    Abel Chester Bennington saved my life.

    Aug 26, 2010
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    I was about 6 years old back in 2001, I believe. I was playing with my wrestling toys and action figures downstairs in our basement in New York, where my dad was also ironing and cleaning clothes like a Filipino parent. :awesome: Anyways, the Grammys were on at the time, and the "Best Rock Video" category started playing the nominees ("In the End" obviously was the choice). When I first saw Linkin Park, I only thought one thing: "THEIR NAME SOUNDS SO COOL." I pestered my dad about once or twice about LP that night XD and he was like, "Oh cool, yeah, they're Linkin Park. I haven't heard of them." In fact, in about those 30 seconds I got to be exposed by LP, they won and I was cheering! x] Plus, "In the End" sounded really cool.

    Then I heard the song again on Radio Disney. Then 2 years later I heard "Numb" on Z100, then "Breaking the Habit" 6 months after I heard "Numb" so many times at my request. :lol: so technically, I was in an LP phase from about 2003-2005. Then around early 2007, I saw on my iTunes as soon as we moved to Las Vegas: "Linkin Park: WHAT I'VE DONE" and I was like, "Oh I remember LP! Good times." (my favorite band at that time was either Killswitch or Three Days Grace). Then I finally heard the full radio premiere of "What I've Done" on XM 20 on 20. I fell completely in love. And I became a major hardcore LP fan from that moment. :D
  18. #18

    Erica Meh LPA Über VIP

    Sep 3, 2010
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    I was a little young to get into them when HT came, but meteroa hit and I was hooked. It took MTm so long to come out though I almost forgot about them, then it came out and I was like oh yeah these guys fucking rule, I forgot ^_^
  19. #19

    Disturbedthoughts *Twitch*

    Mar 27, 2009
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    Heard OSC and thought it was stupid. I was 10 at the time and didn't quite understand the angst thing :lol: Enjoyed In The End when I first heard it. Then a friend of mine let me borrow the album. Fell in love with Runaway, which I can't stand nowadays, With You, and Papercut. First album I bought was Reanimation though. Loved, and still do love that album to this day. Then it was Meteora the day it came out, and I didn't end up getting HT until way later.
  20. #20

    Tweak Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2010
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    I heard LP on the radio and TV, liked them but didn't really go any further then that. I became an enormous fan though after watching Live in Texas at my mates house in 2003/4. A group of friends would meet every weekend, watch all of Live in Texas and have fun. I dropped of LP for a year or so until another friend from High School gave me Reanimation. It blew my mind. I listened to Krwlng all the time, on repeat until the CD was so scratched that it was unlistenable.

    Now it wasn't until 2007 when i actually became a big fan. I head With You (Live in Texas) playing in a shop at Wesfields (cannot remember the shop) and all my memories of Linkin Park came rushing back. I went home and started watching Linkin Park on Youtube and discovered What I've Done. I didn't love the music, but Chesters voice really sold the new Linkin Park for me. Soon after i listened to Hybrid Theory and Meteora for the first time.

    Looking back on this now it is very strange that the first LP albums i listened to were Live in Texas and Reanimation.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2011

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