This is seriously a BIG deal. Higgs Boson big.
This really is fucking incredible. Trillions of years ago a rock got thrown into the ocean that is the universe and created every single thing we see and everything that is completely beyond our comprehension. Now here we are looking at the ripple effect of it. Just fucking think about that. We just observed trillion year old gravitational waves from the beginning of fucking time. That one sentence alone should be enough to make your fucking face explode.
Very interesting news. If proven, I'd like to see the various religious explanations for it. So exciting!!
I've also heard that the detection of Gravitational waves also suggest the existence of a multiverse, that our universe is not the only universe out there. What do you guys make of that?
Well, Einstein's been right about almost everything so far. I do believe there may be a multiverse. There's more of one of every other thing in existence, it's kind of silly to just assume there is only one universe and as the evidence keeps amounting, the closer we are.