I'm going to be childish as it might be, my first reaction was "fuck yes it isn't a brown guy". That being said though the amount of bigotry surrounding this really disgusts me. So many people jumping to the conclusion that it must be a Muslim terrorist with no real proof. The New York Post had a picture up of this 17 year old kid portraying him as one of the suspects that authorities were apparently looking for: The kid had nothing to do with it he was just at the damn marathon, happened to have a bag, and had brown skin. He's scared to leave his house and is being attacked at school because of this. I hope his family can get a good lawyer and sue The Post for this. A man who saw the suspect:
tbh that's a lot of peoples reactions, le reddit in particular was foaming at the mouth hoping it was whitey. Now it's time to what surely must be unveiling myself as a racist, buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut they still look slightly Arabic to me, personally. They have the facial features of a lot of Egyptian/Palestinians I know.
Higher resolution pic:
Not all arabs are necessarily "brown people". That said, it's not entirely clear, for all I know they white, they just strike me as an middle eastern looking gents from these pictures. Although this isn't exactly helping the case;
There's a lot of weird shit surrounding this right now. I'm going to wait until tomorrow to see if it sorts itself out. Crazy night for news. Crazy. WTF?
Apparently they were Chechen, which are both muslims (though not Arabs) and technically white. So... everyone wins? I'm not entirely sure why Chechens would have beef with Freedomland since they hate Russians who were are not exactly on friendly terms with, but ok.
The fact that one of them managed to escape when they were outnumbered and outgunned troubles me. The officer that died saved a lot of peoples lives in MIT. They had to have received some form of training from somewhere.
The fact that (allegedly) the one that was killed wasn't taken down by the police but run over by his own brother is either hilarious or sad to me. Maybe both.
I can't get over the fact that he's 19. I know kids younger than him have done crazier shit around the world but I guess it's just different when you see it happening close by. I can't imagine myself in his position a few years ago.
Apparently (rumor) NBC is reporting that the law enforcement are looking for two (other) accomplices, one suspected to be in the Boston are, and one believed to have taken a train to Connecticut. Explains why the whole of Boston being on lockdown..
Watching a live coverage from ABC they said that his brother was shot during the gun fight last night.
About the "arabic" appearance thing, it really depends on the region, because there are A LOT of arabic people both immigrants and descendants living in my country and they are ALL white as milk. Difference is that they generally came from either Syria or Lebanon. My dad's wife is of direct arabic ascendance, speaks arabic fluently and she and his siblings and parents(✝) are all white. And about the attacks in Boston, I was (and still am, since nothing is concluded yet) really hoping the responsible wasn't a "muslim" or arabic person.. Simply because it worsens their reputation (well, we all know the precedents) and I tend to feel sorry about those arabic and muslim people who are actually good people, but then get fingerpointed and judged all too quickly. Hoping investigations can find those responsible and Boston can get back on their feet, they don't deserve this. Wow. What kind of sick fuck looks someone in the eye knowing that they are about to destroy their life?
I hear there are ~9,000 law enforcement on scene from CNN. (CNN, uggh) If that's true, what the hell? All those people looking for one asshole. Fucking insane.